Affectional attraction to the same gender

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Reference no: EM13922013

Question 1: A person's ________ is her or his erotic, romantic, and affectional attraction to the same gender, to the opposite gender, or both.

A. sexual identity

B. sexual preference

C. sexual orientation

D. sexual habit

E. sexuality continuum

Question 2: In the past, the term ________ described ________, with the latter term now considered to be accurate.

A. sexual preference, sexual orientation

B. sexual preference, homophobia

C. sexual orientation, heterosexuality

D. sexual orientation, homosexuality

E. homosexuality, sexual orientation

Question 3: A ________ person is one whose primary erotic, romantic, and affectional attraction is toward both genders.

A. transgendered

B. transsexual

C. bisexual

D. heterosexual

E. homosexual

Question 4: A _________ person is one whose primary erotic, romantic, and affectional attraction is toward members of the opposite gender.

A. bisexual

B. transsexual

C. homosexual

D. heterosexual

E. transgendered

Question 5: The term ________ can refer to male or female homosexuals, but ________ refers to only female homosexuals.

A. gay, lesbian

B. lesbian, gay

C. bisexual, lesbian

D. bisexual, gay

E. transsexual, gay

Question 6: _______ refers to homosexual behavior limited to circumstances in which members of the same gender are deprived of contact with the opposite gender.

A. Situational gayness

B. Situational homosexuality

C. Situational lesbianism

D. Intermittent homosexuality

E. Latent homosexuality

Question 7: Sexual ________ and sexual ________ are two distinct measures; one is not necessarily consistently predictive of the other.

A. orientation, behavior

B. orientation, identity

C. behavior, identity

D. behavior, preference

E. behavior, fantasy

Question 8: The ________ of the cause of homosexuality states that genes cause a person to be sexually attracted to members of the same sex.

A. hormonal theory

B. genetic theory

C. psychoanalytic theory

D. learned behavior theory

E. integrated theory

Question 9: The ________ theory of homosexuality is based on the idea that levels of certain ________ differ from heterosexuals either _______ or ________ birth.

A. genetic, genes, prenatally, after

B. hormonal, hormones, prenatally, after

C. genetic, hormones, during, after

D. psychoanalytic, neurotransmitters, during, after

E. hormonal, hormones, during, after

Question 10: Parents need to start helping their children grow up into sexually healthy adults ___________

A. from the very first months after birth.

B. as soon as they reach the age of three.

C. at the age they begin going to school.

D. when they reach puberty.

E. as soon as they are responsible.

Question 11: Babies that do not receive attention, especially touch, can grow up and experience problems with _______ and ________.

A. touch, feelings

B. shyness, withdrawal feelings

C. trust, intimate relationships

D. intimate relationships, sexual relationships

E. none of the above

Question 12: Parents who take an active role in educating their children on body parts early on are ___________.

A. neglecting to understand the concept of developmental readiness.

B. sending the wrong message to their children

C. wasting their time because the kids will eventually learn street names

D. sending a strong message about their willingness to address sexual issues

E. probably working too hard too early

Question 13: When parents use euphemisms to name genitals, they give their child the message that these parts of the body are ________.

A. something to be proud of

B. funny and should be joked about

C. insignificant

D. more important than they actually are

E. shameful or different

Question 14: Both boys and girls learn that _________ is acceptable behavior for ________ but not for ________.

A. sensitivity, boys, girls

B. aggression, girls, boys

C. crying, boys, girls

D. aggression, boys, girls

E. none of the above

Question 15: A sexually healthy adult is able to make ________ about his or her sexuality

A. difficult decisions

B. easy decisions

C. controversial decisions

D. decisions consistent with his or her values

E. decisions based on his or her immediate gratification

Question 16: The average age of puberty for girls is ________ years.

A. 8-9

B. 10-11

C. 11-12

D. 12-13

E. 13-14

Question 17: The average age of puberty for boys is ______ years

A. 8-9

B. 10-11

C. 11-12

D. 12-13

E. 13-14

Question 18: Which age below is closest to the current average age of menstruation for girls in the United States?

A. 8

B. 9

C. 10

D. 16

E. 12

Question 19: "Sexual health" is an umbrella phrase that encompasses sexual health and reproductive health, as well as

A. the ability to interact with all genders in respectful and appropriate ways

B. the ability to exhibit skills that enhance personal relationships

C. the ability to seek new information to enhance one's sexual health

D. the ability to use contraception effectively to avoid unintended pregnancy.

E. all of the above

Question 20: Romantic or passionate love is characterized by

A. feelings of jealousy

B. almost total absorption in another person

C. the partners keeping the love at a game level

D. physiological reactions such as sweating and crying

E. all of the above

Question 21: The romantic characteristic of intimacy is ________

A. sharing a very small space with someone

B. sharing thoughts and feelings with someone who is considered very special.

C. having sex with another

D. pressing on in a relationship even during difficult times

E. buying something expensive for someone

Question 22: The romantic characteristic of commitment is _________.

A. the desire to do things for another person without expecting anything in return.

B. sharing thoughts and feelings with someone who is considered very special.

C. promising to spend regular intervals of time with with a romantic partner.

D. pressing on in a relationship even during difficult times.

E. agreeing to get married.

Question 23: Dealing with jealousy in a relationship includes all the following EXCEPT ________.

A. removing evidences of contact with people that the jealous partner would find objectionable.

B. avoiding doing something that might contribute to a partner's jealous feelings.

C. using good communication skills to talk about jealousy within the relationship.

D. recognizing jealous feelings and dealing with them as part of the overall relationship.

E. understanding why the jealous feelings occur

Question 24: Most North Americans marry someone who shares the same

A. race and/or ethnicity

B. religion

C. age

D. social class

E. all of the above

Question 25: When selecting a mate, most males place an emphasis on ________ and _______.

A. attractiveness, maturity

B. creativity, youthfulness

C. attractiveness, youthfulness

D. attractiveness, creativity

E. creativity, maturity

Question 26: When selecting a mate, women prefer males who are ________, ________, and ________.

A. industrious, somewhat younger, financially secure

B. creative, somewhat younger, financially secure

C. attractive, somewhat older, physically fit

D. industrious, somewhat older, financially secure

E. attractive, somewhat younger, physically fit

Question 27: In 2007, nearly ________ percent of all births were to unmarried women, up from ________ percent in 1970.

A. 10, 1

B. 40, 11

C. 80, 65

D. 22, 18

E. none of the above

Question 28: ________ is the situation in which unmarried people live together and share a sexual relationship.

A. cohabitation

B. habitation

C. shared living

D. room-mating

E. none of the above

Question 29: Which of the following is the most common STD in the United States?


B. syphilis

C. gonorrhea

D. chlamyadia

E. genital herpes

Question 30: Chlamydia is known as the "________" STI

A. silent

B. virulent

C. average

D. best

E. woman's

Question 31: Untreated chlamydia can lead to ________ in women and to ________ in men and possibly ___________ in both men and women.

A. pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), epididymitis, loss of appetite

B. PID, epididymitis, sterility

C. endometriosis, epididymitis, sterility

D. endometriosis, herpes, sterility

E. gonorrhea, epididymitis, loss of appetite

Question 32: ________ is a sexually transmitted disease that commonly starts with inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the anogenital tract or throat.

A. syphilis

B. chlamydia

C. gonorrhea

D. candidadiasis

E. genital herpes

Question 34: Which of the following is a common complication from gonorrhea in women?

A. abdominal pain

B. cramps

C. pelvic inflamatory disease

D. gonococcal arthritis

E. gonococcal dermatitus

Question 35: ________ is an infection of the reproductive organs, particularly the uterus and fallopian tubes, and the pelvic cavity.

A. chlamydia

B. gonorrhea

C. herpes

D. endometriosis

E. pelvic inflamatory disease

Question 36: Current options for the treatment of gonorrhea include either ________ or ________ administrations.

A. oral, IV

B. topical, IV

C. oral, intramuscular injection

D. topical, intramuscular injection

E. oral, topical

Question 37: ________ and ________ are STDs characterized by inflammation of the urethra and cervix, respectively.

A. Endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease

B. Nongonococcal urethritis, nongonococcal cervicitis

C. Gonorrhea, endometriosis

D. Nonspecific urethritis, gonorrhea

E. Pelvic inflammatory disease, nongonococcal urethritis

Question 38: Syphilis is a significant problem in the ________ community.

A. Latin American

B. Asian American

C. African American

D. Eupropean American

E. Australian

Question 39: Congenital syphilis is acquired _______.

A. through anal sex

B. prenatally or at birth

C. through skin cells

D. from the father

E. through vaginal sex

Question 40: Syphilis has _______ stage(s) of development

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

E. 5

Question 41: The _______ stage of syphilis is usually marked by a lesion called a ________.

A. primary, chancre

B. fourth, sore

C. secondary, sore

D. first, boil

E. latent, chancre

Question 42: Secondary syphilis is characterized by a ________ appearing on the body.

A. boil

B. chancre

C. rash

D. freckle

E. burn mark

Question 43: The usual treatment for genital warts, ________, involves ________ the warts with ________.

A. chemotherapy, treating, chemicals

B. radiation, burning, x-rays

C. cryotherapy, freezing, nitrogen

D. surgery, removing, lasers

E. medication, covering, patches

Question 44: ________ is a chronic disorder involving sexual performance

A. Sexual malfunction

B. Sexual disability

C. Sexual dissatisfaction

D. Sexual dysfunction

E. Sexual delusion

Question 45: Which of the following is NOT a possible explanation for the increased number of people seeking treatment for sexual dysfunction?

A. The increasing amount of information on sexual dysfunction has made it less embarrassing to admit having the problem.

B. More effective sex therapy is now available, and people are willing to take advantage of it.

C. Because the physiology of sexual response is now better understood, more nonorgasmic women realize that sexual dysfunction can be treated effectively

D. More men are suffering from erectile disorder because of the rising incidence of prostate cancer.

E. More men may find themselves overanxious about meeting their partners' expectations.

Question 46: It has been estimated that ________ percent of all married couples have experienced sexual difficulties.

A. 5

B. 25

C. 50

D. 75

E. 100

Question 47: ________ is the inability to maintain an erection long enough to have sexual intercourse.

A. erectamus dysfunction

B. erectus dysfunction

C. erectile dysfunction

D. erector dysfunction

E. erectale dysfunction

Question 48: ________ is the inability of a man to control ejaculation for a sufficient length of time during coitus.

A. Immature ejaculation

B. Premature ejaculation

C. Premature dyscunction

D. Erectile ejaculation

E. Immediate ejaculation

Question 49: _________ is a self-help technique that men can use to overcome rapid ejaculation.

A. using an ice pack on the penis and testicles

B. using a condom

C. using a cream on the glans penis to decrease sensitivity

D. a and c

E. b and c

Question 50: ________ is a condition in which penile erection occurs during sexual intercourse, but ejaculation does not.

A. Retarded ejaculation

B. Ejaculatory ejaculation

C. Premature ejaculation

D. Mature ejaculation

E. Retarded penile function

Question 51: ________ is a condition in which during ejaculation only a seepage of semen occurs and orgasm is void of its pleasurable sensations.

A. Partial ejaculatory impotence

B. Retarded ejaculatory competence

C. Secondary ejaculatory incompetence

D. Partial ejaculatory incompetence

E. Partial ejaculatory potency

Question 52: For both men and women, ________ is pain during intercourse.

A. vaginismus

B. ejaculatis

C. dyspareunia

D. immaturity

E. dyslexia

Question 53: Which of the following is a manifestation of female sexual unresponsiveness?

A. lack of vaginal lubrication

B. embarassment about one's own body

C. embarassment of one's partner's body

D. a and b

E. a and c

Question 54: ________ applies to women who have never had an orgasm.

A. Primary orgasmic dysfunction

B. Secondary orgasmic dysfunction

C. Orgasmic dysfunction disorders

D. Primary orgasm disorder

E. Orgasm disorder syndrome

Question 55: _________ is the involuntary contraction of the muscles surrounding the vaginal entrance so that entry of the penis is prevented.

A. Congestion

B. Vaginitus

C. Vaginismus

D. Yeastitis

E. Menses

Question 56: Which of the following is not a method of treating erectile disorder?

A. injection therapy

B. anal suppositories

C. oral medication

D. bypass surgery

E. vacuum devices

Question 57:  Rape is ________ sexual intercourse with a person who does not give consent.

A. permissible

B. consensual

C. forcible

D. uncommon

E. mutual

Question 58: ________ is intercourse with a person who is under the legal age of consent.

A. casual rape

B. acquaintance rape

C. stranger rape

D. statutory rape

E. formal rape

Question 59: Although sexual assault against women has received increasing attention over the past decades, the sexual assault of ________ has not been well addressed

A. the elderly

B. relatives

C. children

D. siblings

E. employees

Question 60: Victims of rape are generally viewed more sympathetically by ________ than by ________.

A. females, males

B. males, females

C. adults, children

D. judges, juries

E. juries, judges

Question 61: Steps need to be taken to reduce the ________ of violence and to restructure male and female sex roles to specify equality, warmth, and supportiveness

A. disapproval

B. cultural acceptance

C. denial

D. cultural denial

E. none of the above

Question 62: In the past, male dominance, toughness, and ________ have often been emphasized.

A. kindness

B. acceptance

C. violence

D. supportiveness

E. quietness

Question 63: The major characteristics of rapists can be found in which of these types?

A. the anger rapist

B. the power-exploitative rapist

C. the power-reassurance rapist

D. the sadistic rapist

E. all of the above

Question 64: Which of the following excuses are commonly used by rapists to justify their behavior?

A. it was beyond their control

B. alcohol was present

C. drugs were present

D. the victim "got what they deserved"

E. all of the above

Question 65: Date rape may be a result of ________.

A. provocative clothing

B. poor communication

C. liberal sexual views

D. inconsistent values

E. conservative political views

Question 66: Many women who are date raped do not report the rapes to authorities because of feelings of ________.

A. embarassment

B. self blame

C. assertiveness

D. a and b

E. a and c

Question 67: ________ are prevalent in big business marketing.

A. Sexual themes

B. Sexual activities

C. Only verbal messages

D. Subliminal messages

E. none of the above

Question 68: In 1995, the FBI spotted a(n) ________ ad featuring an underage teen stripping for a photographer.

A. Porsche

B. Apple computer

C. pet store

D. Calvin Klein

E. beer

Question 69: ________ led the way in using sexual themes in television advertising to sell their product.

A. Cigarette companies

B. Beer companies

C. Clothing companies

D. Food companies

E. OTC drug companies

Question 70: Which of the following is an excellent means of educating people about healthy sexual practices?

A. books

B. television

C. advertising

D. newspapers

E. radio

Question 71: A dramatic increase in sexual permissiveness and sexual activity occurred during the _______.

A. 1930s

B. 1940s

C. 1050s

D. 1960s

E. none of the above

Question 72: Opponents of sexually explicit movies cite ________ as being partly responsible for soaring adultery and divorce rates

A. nudity in other media

B. violent sexual acts on television

C. sexual preferences

D. increases in numbers sexual encounters

E. weak commitments of sexual partners

Question 73: Proponents of sexual explicitness in films cite ________ as being beneficial

A. the explicitness itself

B. increased openness about sexuality

C. adulterous encounters

D. violent sexual acts

E. none of the above

Question 74: A common theme in sexually explicit videos is _______.

A. sexual desire

B. diverse sexual activity

C. the availability of many sexual partners

D. pleasure as the purpose of sexual activity

E. all of the above

Question 75: Which of the following are reasons why online sexual consumerism has steadily increased?

A. consumers enjoy privacy

B. consumers have the ability to download what they want

C. it is easy to store items on the computer

D. digitalized pornography has become more available

E. all of the above

Question 76: The 1970 report of the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography indicated that _______.

A. pornography or sexually explicit materials alter a person's sexual behavior patterns over time.

B. sexually explicit materials were corrupting the minds of children.

C. pornography was causing more people to commit sexual offenses

D. exposure to sexually explicit materials was not necessarily harmful

E. none of the above

Question 77: Which type of sex worker is considered to be at the "top" of the profession?

A. house prostitute

B. call girl

C. street walker

D. bar girl

E. stripper

Question 78: ________ (is) are used to make moral decisions

A. Laws

B. Ethical principles

C. Social fairness

D. Ethical dilemmas

E. Beneficience

Question 79: The ethical principle of ________ argues that for an action to be moral, it must do good and not cause harm.

A. nonmalfesence

B. autonomy/liberty

C. beneficence

D. justice/fairness

E. social utility

Question 80: A(n) ________ occurs when two or more ethical principles work in opposing fashion, causing one to wonder what is moral and what is immoral.

A. situation ethic

B. rule ethic

C. inconsistent value

D. ethical dilemma

E. ethical principle

Question 81: Situation ethics are based on the premise that all situations are ________.

A. identical

B. moral

C. immoral

D. unique

E. acceptable

Question 82: The ________ movement is based on teaching young people that the principles of trust, responsibility, honesty, respect, and caring should guide moral decision making

A. values education

B. moral education

C. religious education

D. ethical education

E. character education

Question 83: If a person diagnosed with an STD is asked to reveal his or her previous sexual contacts so that they may be notified about possibly coming in contact with an STD, the ethical principle that people should not intentionally harm the health of others might come in conflict with which other ethical principle?

A. You should experience life fully

B. Marriage is a unique relationship blessed by God that allows for a total expression of love.

C. All of life is sacred

D. One should not discuss other people's private sexual behavior

E. Every person deserves to have sex.

Question 84: An important ethical dilemma regarding HIV and pregnant mothers is whether ______.

A. to make the mother give the child over to the state after birth.

B. the mother should abort the fetus because there is a chance it could be born infected with HIV.

C. to require pregnant women to be tested for HIV.

D. to use certain medications to treat HIV in pregnant women.

E. to provide HIV research funding to test all pregnant women.

Question 85: The decision whether to participate in sexual activity outside of marriage is a common moral decision. Those who follow the ethical principle that one should experience life fully would likely make which decision?

A. Abstain from sex until marriage

B. Abstain from sex until he/she fell in love

C. Engage in sex outside of marriage

D. Engage in sex only when he/she felt like doing so

E. Engage in sex after he/she became engaged to be married

Question 86: ________ specifically refers to anal intercourse, but the term is often used to refer to almost any sexual behavior someone might not consider to be normal.

A. Rape

B. Incest

C. Oral sex

D. Sodomy

E. Sin

Question 87: ________ involves withdrawing a small amount of ________ surrounding the fetus via a needle inserted into the uterus through the abdominal wall

A. Amniocentesis, blood

B. Amniocentesis, amniotic fluid

C. Ultrasound, amniotic fluid

D. Ultrasound, blood

E. Amniocentesis, placenta

Question 88: The moral question surrounding amniocentesis involves knowing the fetus's health and _______.

A. using certain prescription drugs during the pregnancy

B. knowing the sex of the fetus.

C. using fetal tissue for research

D. continuing or discontinuing the pregnancy

E. using birth control methods

Question 89: ________ is the creation of a pregnancy in a laboratory by uniting a sperm and egg outside the womb

A. Artificial insemination

B. In vitro fertilization

C. Lab simulation

D. In vitro insemination

E. Artificial fertilization

Question 90: Statutory rape involves forcing a(n) ______ to have sex, and the age of consent varies from state to state.

A. male

B. minor

C. woman

D. partner

E. animal

Reference no: EM13922013

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