Advisory and planning services to family depot

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133493201


1. Do you agree or disagree with Jeff Carr's idea about engaging in 4PL-based advisory and planning services to Family Depot?

2. If you were Dave Feather, what do you think would be some of the advantages to having United become involved in an advisory and planning capacity with Family Depot? Disadvantages?

3. Assuming that this expansion of involvement by United is acceptable to Family Depot, what are some of the potential future issues that may be helpful to address regarding freight management and contract logistics at Family Depot?

Reference no: EM133493201

Questions Cloud

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Handwritten thank-you letter after interview : It is highly recommended that you send an email or handwritten thank-you letter after an interview.
Advisory and planning services to family depot : Do you agree or disagree with Jeff Carr's idea about engaging in 4PL-based advisory and planning services to Family Depot?
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Investment in the business of you : Every course you take is an investment in the Business of You. How will you apply what you have learned in this course in your professional and personal life?


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