Advise on the appropriateness of your choice

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Reference no: EM133635660 , Length: 2000 Words

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Assessment - Machine Learning/AI for a Business Problem

Your Task
Develop a real-world Machine Learning or AI project plan/proposal based on the learnings from the subject.

Assessment Description

This assessment seeks to simulate a real-world classification task (binary or multi-class) that you may have to undertake in the future. Therefore, the assignment is non-prescriptive and requires you to pose a relevant, small, creative and significant problem to solve that could result in benefits to the organisation of choice.

In this assessment, you need to consider an organisation in an industry of your choice and articulate the steps this organisation needs to take to enable Machine Learning and/or AI for data-driven decision making. You are required to analyse a sample data set to demonstrate expected AI/ML outcomes.

You must work on a classification task (binary or multi-class), not a regression, forecasting, or reinforcement learning task. You must use the Orange Data Mining software for all analysis.

You need to be familiar with the organisation and industry (e.g., where you have worked or are working, a future start-up company), NOT an organisation such as Amazon/Boeing/Qantas etc.

Well-reasoned use of Generative AI is encouraged. However, generic and irrelevant content will be heavily penalised in the marking.

The report should address:
Why ML would help this organisation given its current operations?
What Machine Learning techniques you would recommend?
An example of the predictive model using sample data.
Deployment considerations for the model.
The benefits for the organisation are clearly articulated with estimates of expected revenue/profits or Return on Investment (ROI).

Assessment Instructions
Timeline. The following timeline will help you stay on track with this assessment.
By Week 9 identify a company and industry you are familiar with that would benefit from Machine Learning/AI. Note:
The application needs to be based on a classification task (not regression, forecasting, or some other prediction task).
Focus on a single, well-defined (small) application.
By Week 12 draft some preliminary points pertaining to the report in class. You are encouraged to consider the current mode of operation, possible inefficiencies, available data and how this data may be used to provide efficiencies based on the concepts and techniques covered in the subject. Think of yourself as a consultant or a founder.

Your lecturer will advise on the appropriateness of your choice and proposed methodology regarding the requirements for the assessment.

Implementation. The Orange workflow file must be submitted to the file submission box. No marks will be awarded for the assessment unless both the report and the Orange workflow file have been submitted. No marks will be awarded to students who share their workflow files with the others.

Report. Based on the template provided, write a 2000-word (maximum) report that summarises the analysis, as well as providing suggestions for further analysis. You may use Generative AI (eg: chatGPT) to enhance your research. Clearly state the prompts and steps undertaken. This report is a part of the assessment and must be written using Google docs and submitted via Turnitin. The Orange workflow file must also be submitted via the file submission box. No marks will be awarded for the assessment unless both the report and the Orange workflow file have been submitted. No marks will be awarded to students who share their workflow files with others.

Reference no: EM133635660

Questions Cloud

Address particular areas of the audit process : Address particular areas of the audit process and develop appropriate audit procedures. Develop professional report-writing skills
Explain why you feel this will help reduce spread further : Identify 1 reason why you would make each change and explain why you feel this will help reduce the spread further.
Some events in the process of fertilization : Some Events in the Process of Fertilization A single sperm nucleus and an egg nucleus fuse to form a zygote.
What responsibilities do they have in this role or job : What responsibilities do they have in this role/job? Describe what a typical work day looks like for them? What is the most rewarding aspect of their role/job?
Advise on the appropriateness of your choice : Advise on the appropriateness of your choice and proposed methodology regarding the requirements for the assessment - report and the Orange workflow
How functional analysis will support your work with clients : How functional analysis will support your work with clients. What challenges you might foresee in conducting a FA. Why do we want to evoke a response?
Project pitch and recommendations : Recommend pre-emptive solutions and mitigation strategies for the risks and problems that emerge in IT projects - Project Pitch and Recommendations
Explain if the neutral us helped the allies defeat the axis : Explain if the neutral US helped the Allies defeat the Axis. Consider whether President Truman's decision to unleash atom bomb on Japan undermined democracy.
What things must be in place before you begin : What things must be in place before you begin? Are there any conditions under which will you not proceed with the supervisory relationship?


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