Reference no: EM133338690
Question: Billionaire University is currently expanding their business. Tons of new students decided to further their study in Billionaire University since the job guarantee is 100%.
It is advertised in their advertisement that previous graduated students didn't even need to apply for a job. All giant and well-established company will held interviews in Billionaire University each year to recruit new employee for their respective firms.
With the increase number of students, the top management of the university decided to recruit new staffs. The legal department advised the top management instead of taking full time staffs and lecturers, it is advisable to hire part time staffs as they are not considered as employee and do not entitled as much benefit as permanent staffs.
Listened to the legal adviser advises, 200 new staffs, professional and lecturers have been engaged as a part time professional staffs and part time lecturers. Their roles are exactly the same like full time professional staffs and full time lecturers.
On the way back from Billionaire University, Didi involved in accident and not able to teach in coming half years. She lost all her income as she is part time lecturer. Billionaire University directly cut off all the relationship with Didi and fired her because she is no longer needed since she can't teach for half year. Didi is furious and read the employment contract. It stated clearly that Didi is part timer but no further explanations of the benefits she is entitled to.
Advise Didi on her right to claim for medical bills, lost of income and etc from Billionaire University,
Can you help me to come up with some similar law cases and specific laws in Australia in this situation to help me understand better?
Moreover, contract of service or a contract for service in this case ??? How to apply?
Can you help me clarify more about the relevant term in Fair Work Act 2009 that link to this case?