Advertising budget

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Reference no: EM13172563

Programming Linear formulations Set up the linear programming models for the following problems, and answer the questions after solving the problems using Excel Solver. 1. Media Selection. The Westchester Chamber of Commerce periodically sponsors public service seminars and programs. Currently, promotional plans are under way for this year's program. Advertising alternatives include television, radio, and newspaper. Audience estimates, costs, and maximum media usage limitations are as shown. Constraint Audience per ad Cost per ad Maxuimum Media usage TV Radio Newspaper 100,000 18,000 40,000 2,000 $ 300.00 $600 10 20 10 To ensure a balanced use of advertising media, radio advertisements must not exceed 50% of the total number of advertisements authorized. In addition, television should account for at least 10% of the total number of advertisements authorized. a. If the promotional budget is limited to $18,200, how many commercial messages should be run on each medium to maximize total audience contact? What is the allocation of the budget among the three media, and what is the total audience reached? b. By how much would audience contact increase if an extra $100 were allocated to the advertising budget?

Reference no: EM13172563

Questions Cloud

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Gender and aggression : Write a Review of Related Literature based on a Tutor-approved narrowing of the topic given below: Gender and Aggression
Guidelines for effective brand names : Search the Internet for three team nicknames (either college or professional) of which you were previously unaware. Do these team names seem to follow the suggested guidelines for effective brand names? Explain your reasoning.
Current sales and marketing executive : You are a current sales/marketing executive for TAKE TWO athletic shoe company. The company has seen tremendous growth with their basketball shoe product line, and now you want to branch out into other athletic shoes
Advertising budget : Programming Linear formulations Set up the linear programming models for the following problems, and answer the questions after solving the problems using Excel Solver
Writing for your grant proposal : What organization are you considering writing for your grant proposal? Why have you chosen this organization? What program or project idea do you want to fund, and why?
Infant develops a powerful sucking muscle : A nursing infant develops a powerful sucking muscle that adults also use for whistling or blowing a trumpet called the.
Remedies of boko haram activism-nigerian marketing economy : Implications of boko haram activism in the nigerian marketing economy. Remedies of boko haram activism in the nigerian marketing economy.
Raise its admission standards : ssume a local university decides to: (1) raise its admission standards, and (2) initiate a career fair to which general public will be invited.


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