Adversarial attack procedure to implement untargeted attacks

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133295368

Finally, you will all compete in an adversarial attack challenge. You are free to use any adversarial attack procedure to implement untargeted attacks on a 2-layer baseline DNN. You are welcome to implement IFGSM or PGD attacks for example. For this problem you will simply submit your adversarially perturbed test images from the Fashion_MNIST dataset. For each image, & should be less than or equal to 125/255 assuming images are normalized to lie between [0,1]. We will evaluate your attacks on our own 2-layer DNN with the same architecture as in the tutorial link above --- however you do NOT have access to the weights/biases of our DNN. The expectation is that your attacks should leverage transferability of adversarial attacks (recall that we have seen that attacks on one DNN model transfer to others.

Reference no: EM133295368

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