Compare COP and problem-oriented policing

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Reference no: EM133535130

Question 1.

Is community-oriented policing possible? Is it successful? Is it feasible in a community whose interpersonal bonds are weak, nonexistent, or where fear has a high impact on the citizens? Why or why not?

Question 2.

Compare and contrast COP and problem-oriented policing (POP). Is one type of community patrolling more appropriate than another? Does the community affect which type of method is more effective?

Question 3.

Identify where you would initiate each form of policing, and explain the advantages your choice brings to the impacted community.

Reference no: EM133535130

Questions Cloud

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Advantages your choice brings to impacted community : Identify where you would initiate each form of policing, and explain the advantages your choice brings to the impacted community.
Compare COP and problem-oriented policing : Compare and contrast COP and problem-oriented policing (POP). Is one type of community patrolling more appropriate than another?
Is community-oriented policing possible : Is community-oriented policing possible? Is it successful? Is it feasible in a community whose interpersonal bonds are weak, nonexistent,
Type of community patrolling : Compare and contrast COP and problem-oriented policing (POP). Is one type of community patrolling more appropriate than another?
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