Advantages or disadvantages of succession planning

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131994350

Discussion Question -

Succession Planning is a critical part of the Talent Management efforts of organizations to retain and develop leadership for the future. The planning for future successful leaders is not only targeted for the most senior roles in the organization, but throughout the management food chain from top to bottom. P. 334 in your text highlights the Do's and Don'ts of succession planning. This short article is a starting point for your understanding of this process of building a continuous pipeline of talent.  Continue your own research as indicated below:

Your assignment is to post one (1) research article that addresses the advantages or disadvantages of succession planning. In your research, give examples of where the process succeeds, or fails, and how it can be improved for the future.

After posting the article, comment on WHY you believe this article supports (or not) the issue at hand. Make the connection of your article's premise, and any other information you have from readings or the text, in your commentary.

Textbook - Human Resource Management, Fifteenth Edition, by Robert L. Mathis, John H. Jackson, Sean R. Valentine and Patricia Meglich

Chapter 9 - Talent, Careers, and Development.

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Reference no: EM131994350

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Requirements - Please adhere to the following in order to receive the best score possible: Remember to properly cite any supporting research used in support of your theories by following the APA Guidelines. Valid sources are academic journals, respected magazines or newspapers, or articles on SHRM (Society of Human Resource Management. Grades in this section are determined by meeting the quantity guidelines described above along with the quality/depth (organization, theory presentation, and properly cited supporting research) of each student’s response.

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