Advantages of separating logic from presentation

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13806459

Part A:

After completing the Reading Assignments and the Lecture, please post a reply message in Main to :

Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following:

(a) Explain what is meant by value type and reference type objects in C#. Explain the differences, providing an example of each. Write the code for an example of each. Develop your examples, instead of using examples from the textbook or the Internet.
Ref: Visual C# 2010, Chapter 4, page 118

(b) Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following:
What are the differences between a list and an array? Provide an example in which one would be more appropriate than the other. Explain why.

Ref: Visual C#2010, Chapter 8, page 280, "Arrays"

Starting Out with Visual C#, page 562, "Storing Class Type Objects in Arrays and Lists"

Starting Out with Visual C#2010, pages 444-450, "The List Collection"

Part B:

After reading the material in the noted references and the Lecture:

Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following:

(a) What are the advantages of separating logic from presentation?

Ref: The Model-View-ViewModel Pattern

(b) What are the differences between using the Dispatcher synchronously and asynchronously?

(c) Provide a code example for each case

Ref: Build more responsive Applications with the Dispatcher

Reference no: EM13806459

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Programming Languages Questions & Answers

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  Xhtml page to display current date time in client-s computer

Create the XHTML page which will display current date time in client's computer. Use document.write method in immediate script.

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Develop a program in C++ that will input the miles driven and gallons used (both as integers) for each tankful. The program should calculate and display the miles per gallon obtained for each tankful.

  Write a method to accepts string as parameter

Write a method called wordCount that accepts a String as its parameter and returns the number of words in the String. A word is a sequence of one or more nonspace characters

  Program to display total sales salesmen

Display total sales per (6) salesmen. Place first and last names for (6) salesmen in array. When you display your final output, print salesman's last name only.

  Describe the design and application of arrays

Describe the design and application of arrays and how the array simplifies program development. Support your answer with hypothetical real-world example.

  Write program in java to input basic salary of persons

Write the program in java to input basic salary of 15 persons. Each one of them gets 25% of basic as hra (house rent allowance), 15 % of basic as conveyance and 10 % of basic as entertainment allowance.

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Provide a complete program that performs a simple substitution cipher. The program should take plain text and a shift value and produce the encrypted text. Then it should take encrypted text and a shift value and produce the plain text once again.

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