Advantages and disadvantages of oral communication

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132701378

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of oral communication.

Reference no: EM132701378

Questions Cloud

Discuss the general reasons for resistance to change : Discuss the general reasons for resistance to change and give an example for each.
Prepare journal entries for all activities relating to labor : The actual direct labor used was 25,040 hours at a total cost of $245,392. Prepare journal entries for all activities relating to labor
How much is the present value of defined benefit obligation : PELLUCID CLEAR Co. agrees to provide lump-sum ?12,000,000. How much is the present value of the defined benefit obligation on December 31, 20x2?
Briefly explain five types of teams : Briefly explain five types of teams that can be found in an organization.
Advantages and disadvantages of oral communication : Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of oral communication.
Determine the company recorded cash as unearned rent revenue : Determine the company recorded the cash as Unearned Rent Revenue. On September 1, a client paid the company $39,600 cash for six months of rent
Disadvantages of written communication : What are the advantages and disadvantages of written communication?
Five symptoms of an out-of-control company : List and explain five symptoms of an out-of-control company.
What would be the expected market price for the bond : The coupon is paid quarterly. The current market yield for a similar risky bond is 14.79%. What would be the expected market price for this bond?


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