Advantages and disadvantages of employee referrals

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133354375


Many companies have begun to use social media in their recruitment process. This technological advance has compelling reasons for and against its use.


Post your response to the questions below:

  1. List and discuss some of the compelling reasons for and against the use of social media in recruiting.
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of employee referrals?
  3. Provide an overview of reasons for and against hiring based on employee referrals.

Reference no: EM133354375

Questions Cloud

What difficulties did the activists encounter : The activists in Freedom Summer would have encountered people with the same mindset as George Wallace as they worked in the South. Based upon their letters
Would be present viewed organisations as political systems : What might be some of the assumptions and beliefs that would be present if you viewed organisations as political systems?
How would you evaluate the strengths and weaknesses : Friedman does not mention race or gender specifically, but whom do you imagine comprise his immediatists? Drawing upon evidence in this chapter
Explain what you think about one historical incident : Explain what you think about one historical incident that was most interesting to you in the chapter. Why was it interesting? How do you feel about that
Advantages and disadvantages of employee referrals : What are the advantages and disadvantages of employee referrals? Provide an overview of reasons for and against hiring based on employee referrals.
What was an important social movement of the 1960s : Activists and organizations to achieve racial justice inspired other forms of social justice. What was an important social movement of the 1960s and early 1970s
Show relative to what was being said at the time : explain what the figures show relative to what was being said at the time. Were there African-American majorities? In which states? What does the data show?
Identify the formal structure of an organization : Identify the formal structure of an organization. Using an organization of your choice as an example, how are the organization's structure.
What are three examples of measures used in hr scorecards : What are three examples of measures used in HR scorecards? How might these measures be used to add value to an organization?


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