Advantage to exporting access report to word document

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133231246

1. To merge data in an Access table with an existing Word document, select the desired table in the Navigation pane in Access and then click this button in the Export group on the External Data tab.

a. Excel

b. Word Merge

c. Text File

d. More

2. When exporting an Access report to a Word document, insert a check mark in this check box at the Export - RTF File dialog box if you want the Word document to open when exporting is complete.

a. Open the destination file after the export operation is complete

b. Open after exporting

c. Open

d. Open Word document after exporting

3. Which of the following was mentioned as an advantage to exporting an Access report to a Word document?

a. formatting can be applied to the report using Word formatting features

b. data in the report is automatically formatted

c. data in the report can be calculated using Excel functions

d. the report is sent as an email attachment

4. Data from an Excel worksheet can be imported that creates a new _____ in a database file.

a. table

b. report

c. form

d. query

5. When Excel data is imported to Access, changes made to the data in Excel are

a. are reflected in Access only.

b. are not reflected in Access.

c. reflected in both Access and Excel.

d. are reflected in neither program.

6. Changes made to _____ data are reflected in both the source and the destination programs.

a. embedded

b. imported

c. linked

d. copied

7. Delete a link to an Access table by clicking the table in the Navigation pane, clicking the Home tab, and then clicking the Delete button in this group.

a. View

b. Records

c. Sort & Filter

d. Find

8. If data will only be used in Access, _____ the data; if the data will be updated in a program other than Access, _____ the data.

a. copy; embed

b. import; copy

c. import; link

d. import; embed

Reference no: EM133231246

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