Advanced python plotting using libraries

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Reference no: EM133627372 , Length: word count:1500

Software Development

Assessment - Visualizing and Data Distribution by Python Based GUI Applications

Assessment Description: This assessment is designed to test student's understanding and skills in advanced Python plotting using libraries such as Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Geopandas. Take your time to read and comprehend each question and task and provide well-documented and effective solutions. The students are well familiar now up till week 10 about the Python plotting libraries. Keep the contents in mind and perform the following tasks by using Python IDE's such Spyder or PyCharm.

Analysing Stock Data: a) You will be given a CSV file containing stock price data, write a Python program that reads the file and creates a line plot showing the closing prices over time. b) Enhance the plot by adding labels for the x-axis, y-axis, and a title. Customize the plot to improve its readability.

Visualizing Data Distributions: a) Utilize the Seaborn library to create a box plot showing the distribution of data across multiple categories. You will be given a dataset for this task. b) Customize the box plot by changing the colors, adding labels, and improving the overall appearance of the plot.

a) In this task you have to create a shapefile and using the Geopandas library, load that shapefile containing geographic boundaries of a country or region.
b) Create a choropleth map that visualizes a specific attribute of the dataset, such as population density or GDP per capita.
c) Customize the map by adding a legend, adjusting the colour scheme, and providing a title.

Tkinter is a library for the Python programming language that is used to develop GUIs for several platforms. Tkinter offers a straightforward method of creating both basic desktop applications and more complicated software with an intuitive interface. Python's default graphical user interface (GUI) module is called Tkinter. It offers a widget library that may be used to rapidly develop graphical user interfaces. Tkinter is an easy-to-use GUI toolkit for Python that is based on the Tk toolkit, originally designed for the Tcl programming language.
In this task, students are asked with developing a Python GUI-based inventory system. The main goal of this task is to provide an efficient and user-friendly inventory management system that streamlines operations, improves accuracy, and enhances overall inventory control. The task will demonstrate proficiency in Tkinter GUI development, database management, data manipulation, and user interface design.

Description and Instructions
Students are required to write a python code which use Tkinter GUI platform to perform the following tasks
User Authentication: Implement a secure login system to authenticate users and restrict access to authorized personnel only. For example

Product Management: Provide functionalities to add, update, and delete products in the inventory database. Users can enter details such as product name, quantity, price, and category. For example

Stock Tracking: Enable real-time tracking of inventory levels by recording purchases, sales, and returns. The system should automatically update stock quantities and generate alerts for low stock items.
Search and Filter: Implement search and filter options to allow users to quickly find specific products based on various criteria such as name, category, or price range. For example

Sales and Reporting: Develop features to record sales transactions and generate comprehensive reports. Reports can include sales summaries, top-selling products, and revenue analysis for informed decision-making. For example

Notifications: Incorporate notification mechanisms to alert users about low stock items, pending orders, or other important inventory-related updates.
Data Backup and Restore: Implement mechanisms to create backups of the inventory database and allow users to restore data in case of system failures or data loss. For example

By completing these tasks, the Inventory Management System will provide users with a comprehensive solution for managing inventory efficiently, optimizing stock levels, and generating meaningful reports for informed decision-making.
Structure of the Technical Report
There should be 5 major headings in the report as given bellow

Introduction (5)
Explain Seaborn, Tkinter libraries, why GUI is important? Introduce in your own words the inventory management system that you have created and the functions of it.

Task-1 Screenshots of the outcomes from Python (Spyder), do not write source code in the report attached as a separate file as

Task-2  Screenshots of the outcomes from Python (Spyder), do not write source code in the report attached as a separate file as

Task-3 Screenshots of the outcomes from Python (Spyder), do not write source code in the report attached as a separate file as

Task-4 Screenshots of the outcomes from Python (Spyder), do not write source code in the report attached as a separate file as

In class Demonstration (25)
Each student is required to present their work in front of the class during week 11. This presentation should involve a demonstration of your technical work using a Python IDE. The following week, week 12, marks the submission deadline for your report. Failure to present your work as scheduled could result in a failing grade for the entire assessment.

Attachment:- Asst_data.rar

Reference no: EM133627372

Questions Cloud

Conducting an audit of the organisations culture : Conducting an audit of the organisations culture therefore the student is required to research, analyse to provide a presentation to the leadership team
Why is the breakeven point important to managers : Define breakeven point. Why is the breakeven point important to managers? Describe four different way cost-volume profit analysis could be useful to management.
What is the cost per unit shipped for each of the warehouses : What is the cost per unit shipped for each of the warehouses and highlight the warehouse with the best performance for 2018 and for 2019?
Differential diagnosis is process of weighing probability : Differential diagnosis is the process of weighing the probability of one disorder versus that of other disorders possibly accounting for a client's illness.
Advanced python plotting using libraries : Visualizing and Data Distribution by Python Based GUI Applications - understanding and skills in advanced Python plotting using libraries such as Matplotlib
What information on our nervous system and brain stands : What information on our nervous system and brain stands out to you as evidence that we have been uniquely created to be able to have a relationship with God?
Historical-critical and grammatical-historical : The first assumption of both modern schools of hermeneutics, the historical-critical and grammatical-historical, is that the initial audience is primary.
Euthanasia contradicts this and is therefore considered sin : Because everyone's life is deemed valuable to God, the choice of suicide or euthanasia contradicts this and is therefore considered sin.
John Rawls Theory of Justice : Explain carefully Susan Moller Okin's feminist critique of John Rawls' A Theory of Justice.


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