Advanced proficiency in object-oriented programming

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Reference no: EM133710121 , Length: word count:2000

Intermediate Programming - Coding Assignment Analysis

Learning outcome 1: Create unit tests and a test-driven development environment.
Learning outcome 2: Use exception handling and debugging to identify and manage runtime errors.
Learning outcome 3: Create an application via object-oriented programming.
Learning outcome 4: Develop an application using best practices and design patterns.

Your Task

This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you will create an application via object-oriented programming and develop an application using best practices and design patterns which meets the specifications described in the case study.

Assessment Description

This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you will create an advanced Customer Management System using object-oriented programming principles and applying best practices and design patterns. The system should meet the specifications outlined in the case study and demonstrate your proficiency in advanced concepts and techniques.

You will be provided with a case study which will require you to use your problem-solving skills and you will create an application via object-oriented programming and apply best practices and design patterns to an application. You will need to create a solution and develop the program using Python 3 language.

Case Study:
You have been hired as a lead software engineer to develop an advanced Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System for a multinational corporation. The system should provide comprehensive customer management functionalities and integrate with various external services. You need to design and implement classes for customer data management, incorporate advanced features, and ensure high performance and security.

Customer (class)
• Properties: id (integer), name (string), email (string), phone_number (string), date
(string), and address (string)
• Getters: getId(), getName(), getEmail(), getPhoneNumber(), getAddress()
• Setters: setName(newName), setEmail(newEmail), setPhoneNumber(newPhoneNumber), setAddress(newAddress)
• Methods:
o A repr method that displays detailed information about the customer
o A calculate_age() method that calculates the customer's age based on their date of birth (provided as a parameter)

CustomerManager (class)
• Properties: customers (list of Customer objects)
• Methods:
o addCustomer(customer: Customer) - adds a customer to the customer list
o removeCustomer(customer: Customer) - removes a customer from the customers list
o getCustomersByAgeRange(min_age: int, max_age: int) - returns a list of customers within the specified age range
o getCustomersByAddress(address: str) - returns a list of customers with a matching address
o exportData(filename: str) - exports customer data to a CSV file (optionally you may use JSON file structure)

Note: You are required to implement appropriate exception handling techniques to handle potential errors, such as invalid data inputs or file handling issues. Ensure that meaningful error messages are displayed to the user when exceptions occur. Develop comprehensive unit tests using a suitable testing framework to verify the functionalities of the Customer and CustomerManager classes.
Ensure that the tests cover various scenarios and edge cases.

Assessment Instructions

Assessment instructions for this assessment:

1. Read the case study provided and interpret the program specifications.

2. Develop a Python 3 program that meets the specifications outlined in the case study.

3. Submit your Python 3 program code to the designated submission platform by the due date.

a) You must submit your Python 3 program code in .py format extension. Any other formats will not be accepted.

4. Implement the Python classes and methods based on the provided requirements.

5. Utilise appropriate inheritance and class properties.

6. Apply basic principles of object-oriented programming, including encapsulation and inheritance.

7. Follow the PEP 8 coding conventions and use meaningful names for variables and functions.

8. Include comments to explain the functionality and any assumptions made.

9. Develop comprehensive unit tests using an appropriate testing framework to validate the functionalities.

10. Apply robust exception handling techniques to handle potential errors.

Note: Aim to demonstrate advanced proficiency in object-oriented programming, software design, and exception handling. Consider code correctness, performance, and adherence to best practices in your implementation.


Reference no: EM133710121

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