Advanced information technology of u

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Reference no: EM13762897

IT510 Advanced Information Technology OF U

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

  • Assess the relationship of systems analysis, design, implementation, and development processes as they relate to the management of information technology systems
  •  Communicate the paradigms, processes, and activities of systems development to diverse audiences
  •  Apply structure and object oriented analysis modeling techniques to analyze, design, and manage information technology systems
  •  Construct written and visual representations of the analysis, design, implementation, and management of information technology systems based on the

systems development life cycle

Introduction: Provide an overview of your selected case. Be sure to provide appropriate citations and reference to the case study you have selected.

1. Systems Requirements: Detail the specific requirements of your case. Be sure to include screenshots of all relevant diagrams, charts, and tables.

a) Requirements Modeling: Assess the current system to identify the requirements for the new system. Be sure to address each of the following
aspects: outputs, inputs, processes, performance, and controls (i.e., security).

b) Data Process Model: Create a visual representation of all relevant data processes that represents a logical model of the requirements of the
system based on the systems development life cycle.

c) Data Flow Diagrams: Create a visual representation of the data flow based on the systems development life cycle.

d) Data Dictionary: Create a data dictionary that annotates your system requirements to build clarity in communicating with the relevant

e) Object Modeling: Use appropriate object modeling techniques and tools to describe the system requirements.

f) Use Case Diagrams: Create (a) use case diagram(s) that outline the system requirements based on the systems development life cycle.

2. Systems Design: Propose a solution that addresses the identified problem in your case. Be sure to include screenshots of all relevant diagrams, charts,
and tables.

a) Specifications: Provide a physical design that will meet the specifications outlined in the systems requirement document.

b) Data Design: Create entity relationship diagrams that accurately describe the proposed solution, including 3NF table designs.

c) User Interface Design: Illustrate the user interface design. Specifically, be sure to address your proposed human computer interactions (HCIs) and
graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Your proposals should follow user-centered design principles and address all design requirements.

d) System Architecture: Describe the system architecture. Specifically, be sure to address the corporate organization and culture, enterprise
resource planning, total cost of ownership, scalability, integration and interface requirements, and security.

e) Feasibility Analysis: Provide supporting details that justify why your proposed solution is appropriate for solving the problem. In your defense,
be sure to address operational, technical, economic, and scheduling feasibility. Be sure that you frame your response for communicating
effectively to your target audiences.

3. Project Plan: Illustrate your recommended implementation and management strategies. Be sure to include screenshots of all relevant diagrams, charts,
and tables.

a) Work Breakdown Structure: Describe all of the essential roles and functions required for implementing the solution. Who will be doing the work
and what, specifically, will they need to do?

b) Project Monitoring and Control Plan: How are you going to ensure that the project is going smoothly? What is your plan of attack to ensure that
all controls are adhered to? What is the defined critical path? Be sure that you frame your response for communicating effectively to your target

c) Timeline: What is the estimated amount of time for implementation? Create a visual representation that captures your timeline (e.g., Gantt
chart) based on the systems development life cycle.

Milestone One: Business Case Proposal and Introduction
In Module Two, you will submit a business case proposal, which is a summary of your selected business case for the course project. The business case proposal will be submitted as a Word document and in paragraph form. This business case proposal provides your instructor insight into the project you are selecting and allows for instructor feedback and guidance in terms of the scope of the business case for the purpose of this course. The first milestone of the course project is an introduction. This milestone is graded with the Milestone One Rubric.

Milestone Two: Project Plan
In Module Four, you will submit your project plan. The project plan is a Word document that is a combination of a written explanation of the project plan and the explanation of the control plan. The WBS and timeline are represented with screenshots of the Gantt chart, resource chart, and cost table. Ensure each chart and graph is properly noted and has text explanation. This milestone is graded with the Milestone

Two Rubric.
Milestone Three: System Requirements In Module Six, you will submit your system requirements. The system requirements model is to be submitted as a Word document that is a combination of

sections: a requirements model, a data process model, a data flow diagram, a data dictionary, an object model, and a use case diagram. Copy the image of your diagram into your Word document and include text to ensure that the diagram has proper context within the overall system requirements model through written explanations. Your audience is IT management and the IT project team. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.

Milestone Four: System Design

In Module Eight, you will submit your system design via a Word document. The system design will include visual presentations of each of the following: modeling for specifications, data design, and user interface design. Each of the diagrams will visually represent your design. The system design additionally will include each explanation and supporting detail of the system design execution, in a complete and comprehensive write-up. These are the sections Systems Architecture and Feasibility Analysis. Your audience is IT management and the IT project team. This milestone is graded with the Milestone Four Rubric.

Reference no: EM13762897

Questions Cloud

Study of the human muscles : 1. The study of the human muscles.
Create while-end repetition structure includes a nested if : Create your own While-End (or For-End) repetition structure that includes a nested if-then selection structure. You decide the theme. You should provide both the pseudocode and the flowchart of your example.
Underestimate the value of output : GDP measures underestimate the value of output produced by an economy because they include services not transferred through markets? T or F
Issues based on agricultural industary : The discharge rate of the wastewater to maintain at least 5 mg/L critical DO concentration in the river
Advanced information technology of u : Assess the relationship of systems analysis, design, implementation, and development processes as they relate to the management of information technology systems
Profitability of the zenith and pinnacle models : Using activity-based costing (ABC), calculate the profitability of the Zenith and Pinnacle models.
Are you to support federal welfare programs : Are you to support federal welfare programs, or are we to let people starve on the streets? There can be no truth in Nietzsche's philosophy, for Nietzsche was a man who deserted his friends and betrayed those who trusted him.
Specific innovation of the airmouse technology : Specific innovation of the airmouse technology, Potential risks in using this technology for an organization, How this technology can be 'integrated' in the organization
Basic present value calculations : Calculate the present value of the following cash flows, rounding to the nearest dollar:


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