Adult stem cells are more expensive to harvest

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133576164


Why do embryonic stem cells have greater medical potential than adult stem cells?Adult stem cells are more expensive to harvest. Adult stem cells are already "specialized" to some degree, while embryonic stem cells can develop into virtually anything. Adult stem cells have been tainted with the toxins and pollutants of living in an industrialized society, while embryonic stem cells are pure. Embryonic stem cells are easier to harvest.

Reference no: EM133576164

Questions Cloud

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Adult stem cells are more expensive to harvest : Why do embryonic stem cells have greater medical potential than adult stem cells? Adult stem cells are more expensive to harvest.
Hemolysin-leukotoxin-exfoliative and exotoxin : Hemolysin, leukotoxin, exfoliative, Exotoxin and endotoxin Pick one of the toxins from the previous question and explain it in more detail.
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Construct system of tubes for temperature control : During one stage of construction a welding team will work inside one of the tanks to construct a system of tubes for temperature control.
Food that humans consume contain carbon : Food that humans consume contain carbon-based molecules such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and nucleic acids,


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