Reference no: EM13880802
Question 1
Periodic allocations of funds to departments or agencies are generally called _____.
a appropriations
b allotments
c allocations
d none of the above
Question 2
Which branch of local (city and county) government most commonly prepares the budget?
a executive branch
b legislative branch
c judicial branch
d none of the above
Question 3
If an entity elects to focus on all economic resources, then it should adopt a modified accrual basis of accounting.
Question 4
For fund financial statements, the measurement focus and basis of accounting used by governmental fund types are _____.
a current financial resources and modified accrual accounting
b economic resources and modified accrual accounting
c financial resources and full accrual accounting
d economic resources and full accrual accounting
Question 5
Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, investment revenues for the current period should include _____.
a only interest and dividends received
b all interest and dividends received during the period plus all accruals of interest and dividends earned
c all interest and dividends received plus gains and losses on securities that were sold during the period
d all interest and dividends received, all gains and losses on securities sold, and all changes in market values on securities held in the
portfolio at yearend
Question 6
The modified accrual basis of accounting is used in presenting the fund financial statements of the governmental funds because _____.
a it is the superior method of accounting for the economic resources of any entity
b it provides information as to the extent the entity achieved interperiod equity
c it is budget oriented while facilitating comparisons among entities
d it results in accounting measurements based on the substance of transactions
Question 7
Reserve for encumbrances accounts should be closed at yearend.
Question 8
As used in governmental accounting, interperiod equity refers to a concept of _____.
a providing the same level of services to citizens each year
b measuring whether current year revenues are sufficient to pay for current year services
c levying property taxes at the same rate each year
d requiring that general fund budgets be balanced each year
Question 9
For which of the following funds would flexible budgeting be most valuable?
a Special revenue fund
b Capital projects fund
c Agency fund
d Enterprise fund
Question 10
Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, the amount of property tax revenues that should be recognized by a government in the
current year related to the currentyear levy will be _____.
a. the total amount of the levy
b the expected collectible portion of the levy
c the portion of the levy collected
d the portion of the levy collected in the current year or within sixty days after the end of the fiscal period