Reference no: EM133803957
Part 1 - 'Administrative Law Issue or Development' Firstly, you are to identify and briefly introduce an administrative law issue or development in your own jurisdiction past, current or proposed. (For example: The development of Migration Law in your jurisdiction may have become more restrictive over time. i.e. by use of what is called 'Privative Clauses'. This part is fairly descriptive and not a critical analysis like the second and third parts below).
Part 2 - 'Administrative Law Principle(s)' relating to Part 1 (above) Secondly, you are to critically analyse that issue/development you have identified above in Part 1 with reference to some of the administrative law principle(s) (one or more principles) covered in this course and which is relevant to that issue or development. (For example: Jurisdictional error is a very relevant administrative concept in regard to Privative Clauses / In this part, you will need to critically analyse -that is, not just describe but instead explain and tell us what you think how the issue or development is working, whether working well or not working well in that particular jurisdiction and do so in reference to administrative law principles covered and by making references to sources using footnotes). LW309 Continuous Assessment Instructions Sem2 2023
Part 3 Comparative analysis in relation to Parts 1 and 2 (above). Lastly, your paper is to refer to the administrative law of other countries in the USP region (you may include Australia and New Zealand if you like). This reference must be in comparative analysis and in critical discussion. See above for Part 2 what 'critical analysis' means. How was/would have or may that issue/development (have) be(en) decided in that other jurisdiction and/or how do you think the issue should have been dealt with in the respective jurisdictions in comparison. (Part 3 is also a critical analysis: Again, this means that you will need to critically analyse -that is, not just describe but instead explain and tell us what you think based on sources, i.e., you would write something like this: 'Author XYZ is stating that private clauses are not working so well in both jurisdictions. I believe that they are, however, working well, because...') This assessment activity is designed to encourage students to reflect upon the concepts of administrative law covered in the course with regard to your own constitution, and comparatively with other constitutions from around the region, taking into consideration different perspectives.