Reference no: EM131265839
The following adjusted trial balance is taken from the General Fund of the Pineapple City for the year ended June 30. Prepare a (post-closing) Balance Sheet.
Allowance for uncollectible taxes 1,000
Cash 64,000
Due from capital projects fund 18,000
Due to debt service fund 12,000
Encumbrances 8,000
Encumbrances outstanding 8,000
Expenditures 55,000
Fund Balance, nonspendable 3,000
Fund Balance, unassigned 10,000
Inventory of supplies 3,000
Other financing sources -- bond proceeds 8,000
Other financing uses -- transfers out 3,000
Revenues 90,000
Taxes Receivable 10,000
Unearned grant Revenues 16,000
Vouchers Payable 13,000