Addressing your professional and academic development

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Reference no: EM133185758 , Length: word count:1000

Assessment - Reflective Practice Report

Professional Practice - Learning Through Organisation

Assessment Task

Based on your portfolio and PDP development episodes you should write 1000 (+/-10%) words of reflection on how this module helped you develop your skills throughout the semester (week 1 to week 12) in your:

Professional Development - Please draw insights on how learning from this module has developed your professional capabilities from week 1 to week 12. Discuss how you have used and can use the learning from this module in your professional career.

You may want to focus on assessment of skills (week 1), occupational choices (week 2), CV writing and interview skills (weeks 5 and 6), negotiation skills (week 7) coaching skills and finding a balance (week 8), problem solving (week 9) and expanding your comfort zone.

Personal Development - How has this module helped you in your personal development? You may want to focus on assessment of skills (week 1), emotional intelligence (week 4), self-leadership (week 10), comfort zone (week 11). ONLY Choose a maximum of two topics to discuss!! Do not discuss all the topics.

Academic Development - How this module has helped you in your academic development (assessment of skills (week 1), academic writing (week 3). ONLY Choose a maximum of two topics to discuss!!

You should use a minimum of 5 academic references to support your reflection.

Assessment criteria

Comprehension of task and requirements: Looking at how well you cover the assignment task in addressing your professional, personal and academic development. The learning logs and PDP are attached.

Acquisition of knowledge and application: It is visible that the paper is based on the entries in your weekly learning log and the updated PDP. Other sources have also been used to support your argument.

Presentation and Referencing: Looking at the professional presentation by following the structure required, using headings and paragraphs to structure the work, no spelling, grammar and punctuation errors and a clear line of argument. Referencing follows the requirement of Harvard Referencing in text and list.

Use a reflective model of your choice to structure your evaluation, and consider what skills you have developed, why they are important and how you have used / can use the learning from this module in your professional career.

Attachment:- Reflective Practice Report.rar

Reference no: EM133185758

Questions Cloud

Does outsourcing hurt the economy : Ask any supply chain manager, and she'll tell you that one of the biggest debates in her field today is whether or not to outsource the supply chain to foreign
Calculate the tax amount in the fourth year : If the depreciation rate is 16% straight line, calculate the tax amount in the fourth year relating to the sale of the equipment only
What was the purchase price of the car : 1. Rainder is paying $325 per month for a car over four years. If interest is 3.8% compounded monthly:
What is the consolidated net income attributable : Assuming the sale is upstream, what is the consolidated net income attributable to parent stockholder's in year 2021
Addressing your professional and academic development : How well you cover the assignment task in addressing your professional, personal and academic development. The learning logs and PDP are attached
Performing the task in a real-word scenario : Identify a task that you would need to perform in your current career or future career, and explain how you would apply the knowledge you have learned in this c
What is the solow growth model : What is the Solow Growth Model? What are the main factors of the Solow Growth Model?
What lessons can you draw from steve jobs professional : What lessons can you draw from Steve Jobs professional life at Apple/Pixar on Business Acumen?
How much will be accumulated : A young woman, 22 years old, has just graduated from college. How much will be accumulated when she reaches 60 years old



7/24/2022 10:56:40 PM

please check the attachment for the Learning through organisations assignment 2. I need to submit the report within the next few days. Please ask your expert to read carefully the assignment brief tasks/requests and structure as they will have detailed information there. Kind regards,

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