Reference no: EM131985770 , Length:
The 2008 global financial crisis has revealed that some institutions are "too big to fail".
The idea behind this approach is that some financial institutions or corporations pose a systemic risk to the stability of the financial system, and that they must be protected almost at all costs.
After briefly explaining the scope of this idea, you are required to critically analyse it, with an emphasis on the principles of risk and compliance 2000 words APA citation
Re-read the feedback you received on your previous assignments. There may be something in there which will help you to improve;
Edit, review, re-read your paper after you have completed it. It is normal, once you have reached the '2,000 word markTM, to want to submit it or forget about it as soon as possible. The human brain wants to get rid of obstacles, not bathe into them for hours. We all feel like we would rather do something more interesting once we have completed a first draft. But the key word here is "draft'. Your paper is not complete because it is 2,000 word-long. You must re-word what does not sound clear. Shorten sentences. Use better adjectives. Check your citations. Check your spelling. There is no valid excuse, when Google Docs provides you with a free spell-check function, to submit a paper with typos You will lose points uselessly on this kind of mistakes, on a paper which accounts for 50% of your mark for this course. So budget some time for editing.
If you run out of things to write about, it means that you have not done enough research.
My advice in terms of methodology is to (1) read a lithe bit about the topic, from a variety of sources, (2) come up with a structure for your paper - focus on titles and subtitles and think about what you want to say, (3) read more about the topic, including more detailed sources (4) write the content of your paper, (5) edit yourself.
Don't forget to look back at what we did in class, especially if you are struggling to find an angle or to come up with examples. Have you thought about what the topic means for all financial institutions - including for instance insurance companies? Have you addressed the risk perspective, or have you only discussed compliance? Have your discussed why some companies are at risk of failing in the first place, and is it relevant?
Remember that we discussed at the beginning of the semester that there are reasons why banks are regulated in the first place. Taking this into account, what does that mean for the system when a bank fails nonetheless? What kind of incentive d es a company have to behave properly when it know that the government will bail it out? Have some of these large corporate bailouts landed in court? Have you used what we did together as examples to reinforce your claims?
Your paper does not have to be focussed on the law, and built with legal sources I would equally welcome a paper which addresses the financial or economic perspective of corporate bailouts. The angle is entirely up to you.
Your opinion matters. Your paper should certainly not read like a newspaper editorial, but I am interested in what you think about this topic. If you have no opinion about it, then perhaps you should read more about it, and build your opinion. This is potentially the most interesting aspect of the paper, since you can give it a personal twist. For instance you may personally more interested in the social consequences of the global financial crisis (e.g. people losing their job), or you may fundamentally disagree that governments should intervene in the economy. These things would easily find their place in this paper. However, your opinion should (a) always be supported by facts and sources, (b) not be the centre of your paper, and (c) be integrated into your paper in a way that is fluid, and logical. Within these bounds, having an opinion and expressing ft can improve your paper markedly.