Address the narrative plan as well as a network diagram

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131544830

Discussion: Network Security Plan

For the past several weeks you have addressed several different areas of telecommunications and information technology in relation to different types of communication across the organizational footprint of Sunshine Health Corporation. Review the work you have done and formulate the Network Security Plan to be implemented across the network footprint. This is not to be an overly detailed report but to address different network concerns and recommendations for improving and securing organizational data, personnel records, intellectual property, and customer records.

Please address the narrative plan as well as a network diagram (no IP addresses, or circuit data required) and what is being done to secure the network at different levels of the OSI model and the organizational structure. Please make sure that you bring in a minimum of two external sources to strengthen and support your presentation.

The assignment should be 5 pages of content not counting title page, reference page or appendices (diagrams, budget sheet, equipment list, etc.). Please follow APA format.

Note: it is suggested that as you are reviewing your previous assignments in order to complete this assignment, also be making modifications and refining your previous work in order to successfully complete the week seven assignment, which is a final project report.

Reference no: EM131544830

Questions Cloud

Difference between throughput accounting and financial : Question 1: What is the difference between throughput accounting and financial accounting?
Discuss the behavioral therapy approaches : Write 150 word response back about the discussion post below. What are your thoughts about it? What did you think was interesting?
Develop a one page executive summary with network diagram : Develop a one page executive summary with network diagram that would be sent to the master practice office and corporate.
Accounts for an international distribution company : Design a chart of accounts for an international distribution company's income statement. Include flexibility to allow reports by country, division
Address the narrative plan as well as a network diagram : Please address the narrative plan as well as a network diagram (no IP addresses, or circuit data required) and what is being done to secure the network.
Business communication essentials : Select a product or service for this assignment in which you believe your organization should invest capital resources to develop for sale in a global.
Identify one of said companies from the sec site : Identify one of said companies from the SEC site and discuss the nature of the information provided in the documents. What statements were provided?
Personal program of managerial leadership : Formulate a personal program of managerial leadership development that is based on the information presented in the course text.
Identify the pdca component : Identify the PDCA component and its management system tasks.Identify the attribute (auditing skills, documentation skills, presentation skills, etc).


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