Address the company logistical systems

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133198849 , Length: Word count: 300 words

Problem: Many manufacturing facilities are located near resources (supply) or consumers (demand). Pick any manufacturer that has information available about the company online. Where are they manufacturing their product? Why did they choose that location? Make sure to list and analyze all the major factors in their decision. Address the company's logistical systems? In your opinion is it successful? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM133198849

Questions Cloud

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How anthropologists approach the study of belief systems : How anthropologists approach the study of belief systems? Describe a "rite of passage" and discuss the social effects of ritual.
Where are they manufacturing their product : Pick any manufacturer that has information available about the company online. Where are they manufacturing their product?
Perspectives of sociology and anthropology of development : Step 1: Choose a research Topic: Decide on what do you want to research on? At this point you must have clear questions in your mind that needs to be elaborated
Address the company logistical systems : Make sure to list and analyze all the major factors in their decision. Address the company's logistical systems? In your opinion is it successful?
Economic globalization on the development of countries : 1. Topic statement: Why is it of interest and how it fits within the broader perspectives of sociology and anthropology of development?
Describe at least one process of adaptive radiation : Describe at least one process of adaptive radiation that occurred among primates in the last 65,000,000 years (sixty-five million years). Your description must
Causes and consequences of the behavior observed : Based on your experience with the Beer Game, what are the causes and consequences of the behavior observed?
When did erectus leave africa and why : 1. How long ago do we think the first apes appeared that could walk upright?


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