Additions to inventories

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131089478

What do we call the expenditures for newly produced capital goods (such as machinery, equipment, tools, and buildings) and for additions to inventories?

Reference no: EM131089478

Questions Cloud

Market value of all final goods : What do we call the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time?
Consumption or additions to the capital stock : GDP less the part of the years output that is needed to replace the capital goods worn out in producing the output; the nations total output available for consumption or additions to the capital stock is known as?
Meeting with the visitors from corporate hq : After meeting with the visitors from Corporate HQ, Bawcombe spoke to you, his operations managers, "They want to close the plant," he said grimly. "They expect costs to decrease considerably if we manufacture in China through a Scotts subsidiary."
Estimate of the amount of capital : What do we call an estimate of the amount of capital worn out or used up (Consumed) in producing the GDP; depreciation?
Additions to inventories : What do we call the expenditures for newly produced capital goods (such as machinery, equipment, tools, and buildings) and for additions to inventories?
Value of intermediate goods in the gdp : What is the process of wrongly including the value of intermediate goods in the GDP; counting the same good or service more than once?
Establishment regularly demand purchasers to help settlement : A going agreement for a switch concerning declares differs coming from various company legal papers given it is usually governed just by a particular company within the Dept of Vehicles. Apart from furnishing typical aspects a by law joining agree..
Call the point in a business cycle : What do we call the point in a business cycle at which business activity has reached a temporary maximum; the point at which a recession has ended and an expansion (recovery) begins?
Creating and introducing a particular new product : What do we call a new firm focused on creating and introducing a particular new product or employing a specific new production or distribution method?


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