Additional external research source

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131478242

Career Choice is a Human Resource Manager

The reflection assignment has one essay question, assignments will be completed using proper APA formatting and style, correct grammar, and be free from spelling errors. You must use one additional external research source in addition to the text. Your answers should not be less than 500 word each question. You must write in essay form. When you respond to the essay question, make sure to respond in three parts; the introduction, the body, and the summary. The introduction will consist of the main point to be made; the body offers supporting evidence and/or examples, the summary is simply a paraphrasing of the introduction. A neat bundle with a beginning and ending is very satisfying. Be sure that your answer is direct and really answers the question. I recommend using Microsoft Word and then cut and paste your answer into the box, or you may upload a Microsoft Word document. If you have questions, please let me know.

This assignment is an essay. Provide detailed information in APA format, to include references. It requires a minimum of 500 words.

ASSIGNMENT: It is important to plan your career. Write your personal career development plan that will help you achieve your career objectives. (Include such items as: skills and competencies [consider what capabilities you will need to be successful in the career of your choice]; choosing a career, etc.)

Reference no: EM131478242

Questions Cloud

Large employers and full-time : Has the ACA affected large employers and full-time, part-time, and temporary employees more positively or negatively? Why?
What makes tax law even more complex : Overview of Tax Research- What makes tax law even more complex is that it is full of areas that are either not clear, incomplete, or usually both.
Briefly describe the process of installing a shell pile : Briefly describe and contrast typical slope failure in a pure cohesionless soil and a pure cohesive soil.
Explain what type of effort it will take to fully address it : Compare its significance to the national priorities of Healthy People 2020 goals (is it a national priority or just one found in your state/community).
Additional external research source : You must use one additional external research source in addition to the text. Your answers should not be less than 500 word each question.
Write an R function that accepts X and Z as input : STA 141A Spring 2017 Homework. Write an R function that accepts X and Z as input and returns the following output: The set of distinct values of the variable Z;
Occupational and safety and health law : We cover the Occupational and Safety and Health Law of 1970 (OSHA) this week. This groundbreaking law took decades to become a reality
Learning aid about workforce retention : For this assignment, assume that you are the new Director of Human Resources for a mid-sized healthcare organization.
The democrats against republican donald trump : Would Bernie Sanders have been a better candidate for the Democrats against Republican Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton was?


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