Add two more files to mortgage calculator program

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM13943567

Add two more files to Mortgage calculator program. Mortgage calendar Class and Mortgage array Class.

Total files to send back: Driver, Mortgage Calculator, Row, Mortgage calendar, Mortgage array.

Mortgage calendar Class: This should increment in day and month and year. Start with 15JUL04 as the first pay period then increment every 30 days so the next payment is 15AUG04.

Example that does not work:

Public MortgageCalendar()

Public string. Getdatestring(){
Date format formatter=getFormat.get date_instance()
String retString = formatter.format(current date)
Ret retString();
Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance();

Public long getdatedifference(){
Date previousDate= this.currentDate;
long diff = this.currentDate-this.previousDate;
long days=diff/1000*60460*24
return days();

Public void advance date();{
Int month=calendar.get(calendar.month);
Now.set(calendar.month, month)
Current day=now.getTime();

get string to row and mortgagecalculator

Mortgage Array Class: Should display 3 mortgage loans: 7 years 5.35%, 15 years at 5.5% and 30 year at 5.75%. Use an array for the different loans. Display the mortgage payment amount for each loan. Do not use a graphical user interface. I am using NETBEANS compiler. Insert comments in the program to document the program.

Example that does not work

Public class MortgageArray{

Public int terms;
Public double rate;
Public double amount;
public toString()

Public Mortgage int interms, double inrate, double inAmount(){


Public class driver{
Mortgage m1 = new Mortgage (7, .053, 200000)
Mortgage m2 = new Mortgage (15,.055, 200000)
Mortgage m3 = new Mortgage(30,.057,200000)

Mortgage []test=new mortgage[3]
Test[0] = m1;
Test[1] = m2;
Test[2] = m3;

Format the string and print the string

Driver Class should include: Mcalc=getdatedifference

Reference no: EM13943567

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