Add the second label and combobox object drag another label

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131290653

Add the Second Label and a ComboBox Object Drag another label onto the Form object and name the label lblConversion. Enter the text for this label as Conversion Currency. Drag a ComboBox object onto the Form object below the label and name the ComboBox object cboCurrencyType. Click the ellipsis button to the right of the Items property. Enter Euro, Mexican Peso, and Canadian Dollar on three separate lines. Select the two Label objects, TextBox object, and ComboBox object and change the font to San Serif, size 10, and Bold. Change the ForeColor property to SaddleBrown. Add the Result Label Object Drag a label onto the Form object and name the label lblResult. Enter the text for this label as 11 X's. Change the font to Sans Serif, size 12, and Bold. Change the ForeColor property to SaddleBrown. Add the First Button Object Drag a Button object to the bottom of the Form object. Name the Button object btnConvertCurrency. Enter the Text property of Convert Currency. Add the Second Button Object Drag a Button object below the first button. Name the Button object btnClear. Enter the Text property of Clear. Select both Button objects and change the font to Sans Serif, size 10, and Bold. Change the ForeColor property to SaddleBrown. Create an Accept Button Click the background of the Form object. Click to the right of the AcceptButton property of the Form object and select btnConvertCurrency.

Reference no: EM131290653

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