Add some general information about yourself

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131624209

Assignemnt: Web Interface Design with Lab

Lab 1: Basic Site Design and HTML



You want to create an online resume where you can show off your skills to potential employers. Start by creating a simple 4-page website. You can keep adding to this site as you progress through your program, updating it with your knowledge, skills, and examples of projects that you have done.

Create a home page with some information about yourself. Create a page for your educational background, a page for your work experience, and a portfolio page with a list of projects that you have created.

Lab Steps

Part A: Site Diagram

1. Create a new Visio file.

• Log on to the Citrix server and start MS Visio.
• Create a new file. Select Software and Database for the template category.
• Select Conceptual Web Diagram for the template.

2. Add pages to the site map.

• Add the home Web page object, and three more Web page objects.
• Label the objects appropriately for your Index page, Education page, Work Experience page, and Portfolio page.
• Use the Dynamic Connector to add appropriate links between the pages.

3. Save the file to your local computer.

Part B: Create the Web Site

1. Create the home page.

• Create an index.html page.
• Add some general information about yourself.
• Add a picture. Be sure that you have permission to use the picture.
• Include at least three text formatting tags, such as heading level, bold (strong), italics (emphasis), and so forth.

2. Create an education page.

• Create an education.html page.
• Add information about the schools that you have attended, major, classes taken, expected graduation date, and so forth.
• Consider adding pictures of your campus or school.

3. Create a knowledge or skills page.

• Create a skills.html page.
• Add information about your knowledge or skills. Add areas of interest that you would like to pursue (such as mobile development, cloud computing, etc.).

4. Create a portfolio page.

• Create a portfolio.html page.
• Add a list of projects that you have done in your classes. If you do not have any projects yet, add some projects that you would like to pursue. Later, you can create links to .zip files with your projects, but this is not necessary at this time.

5. Create links

• Using your site diagram for reference, create appropriate links from your home page to the other pages.
• You may also want to create links directly from one page to the next (e.g., from the Education page to the Skills page, etc.).

Part C: Complete the Lab Report

1. Download the CIS363 Lab Report document from Doc Sharing.
2. The lab report must be completed for all labs. The key parts of the report include the following.

• Objectives: Aone paragraph explanation of the purpose of the lab.
• Results: Include a screenshot of the working web site/page.
• Conclusions: A one paragraph explanation of what you learned while completing the lab, any challenges you had to work through, and how you can use what you learned going forward.

Reference no: EM131624209

Questions Cloud

What is your expected one-day return on your ipo investments : You have an arrangement with your broker to request 1,025 shares of all available IPOs. What is your expected one-day return on your IPO investments?
Calculate cost ol goods sold : Taylor Corporation has used a periodic inventory system and the LIFO cost method since its inception in 2009. Calculate cost ol goods sold for 2016
Would the investor have experienced a capital gain : How much would an investor earn on a stock purchased one year ago for $70 if it paid an annual cash dividend of $4.35 and had just been sold for $78.50?
Do the other central banks have a similar role as the fed : Do the other Central Banks have a similar role as the Fed?
Add some general information about yourself : Add some general information about yourself. Add a picture. Be sure that you have permission to use the picture. Select Conceptual Web Diagram for the template.
Discuss the concept of unrelated business income tax : discuss the concept of unrelated business income (UBI) and unrelated business income tax (UBIT).
Describe the types of income or loss the investor has : An investor buys a bond for $1,000. The bond pays $40 in interest every six months. After two years, the investor sells the bond for $980.
Calculate cost ol goods sold : Taylor Corporation has used a periodic inventory system and the LIFO cost method since its inception in 2009. Calculate cost ol goods sold for 2016
What is the market value of its equity today : If Colt's free cash flows are expected to grow by 9.7% per year, what is the market value of its equity today?


Write a Review

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