Reference no: EM133301780
Topic: The myth of Prometheus connects to a specific region. The name Thrace is thought to have sprung from the heroine and sorceress who was the sister of Europa and the daughter of Oceanus and Parthenope. According to the text, "One morning, a week or so following the great ceremony, Prometheus, who had taken to sleeping in the long grass somewhere in the fragrant meadows of Thrace, felt himself being jerked awake by a persistent tweaking of his toes." (Page 100). Thrace is a historical and geographical region in Southeast Europe that is currently shared by Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey. In conclusion, this shows that indeed Greeks have been living in the area.
This myth answers the question of why all of us are different from each other. Prometheus made the creatures from different clay and mud and minerals present in the riverbank resulting in different appearances of men. According to page 104, "Mixing the clay with different pigments he built up a universe and colorful array of life-like masculine creatures." Prometheus combines clay with various hues to produce a universe filled with various species. This demonstrates how unique each of us was even before we were created. There are a lot of various things that make each one of us unique in comparison to the others. One reason for this is that we are constructed out of a variety of substances. We learn things differently as a result of our varied experiences, which is another factor. The myth of Prometheus shows that even before we were made, we already differed from one another in a variety of ways.
This myth contains a character archetype. Prometheus represents type 2, the altruistic type. From the beginning, it was stated the personality of Prometheus that is considerate, well-mannered, and the most engaging and captivating company. Yet, in the following chapters, Prometheus proved he is the caring god the author said he is. According to page 107, "'I'm not their god,' said Prometheus, gazing down on them with an intense feeling of love and pride. 'I am their friend.' He knelt so that he was lower than them. 'I shall teach them how to farm, how to mill wheat and rye so that they can make bread. How to cook and forge tools and -'" This scene illustrates that Prometheus is showing consideration after he molds humans from clay into a life where at first, humans were afraid of the gods which Prometheus did was to give assurance that he is with them despite the bad situations. This corresponds to type 2 character which is an altruistic character who is caring, thoughtful, affectionate, and frequently goes above and beyond to improve the lives of those around them. They naturally possess the ability to comprehend the needs of those around them. They enjoy getting involved in endeavors that call upon their inherent goodness. In conclusion, Prometheus is an altruistic type of God that gives affection to the ones he considers love.
Question: Add six or more vocabulary words for the whole essay. (Choose six or more words that fit in the sentence/paragraph. The sentence can be changed to make the word fit in and be relevant.