Reference no: EM133757987
Current Issues in Marketing
LO 1: Examine. analyse and synthesize complex information and data to identify current issues in the marketplace and recommend sustainable solutions to solve business problems.
LO 2: Adapt to the changing needs of the marketplace through product and brand development.
LO 3: Critique contemporary issues in marketing and its adaptation by relevant businesses and organisations.
LO 4: Synthesize emerging trends in marketing practices and their impact on the corporate and social environment.
LO 5: Appraise the latest developments in marketing and their application to the students current corporate role.
PGCLO 3. Demonstrate effective communication skills
PGCLO3.1. Demonstrate effective oral and non-verbal communications skills
PGCLO 5. Justify decisions and judgements that address a complex marketing issue considering the ethical and social consequences
PGCL05.1. Examine and assess the intended and unintended impacts on diverse stakeholder
PGCL05,2. Provide professional opinions or interpretations of marketing matters applying ethical principles, codes of conduct and values.
Organisations can no longer operate with the sole focus of profit-making at the expense of society, the environment, the economy, their consumers, and employees. For organisations to be successful in today's socially conscious environment. it is increasingly important that they prioritise corporate social responsibility (CSR). Organisations that take CSR seriously can develop a platform to market and earn audience attention. Social responsibility can help people see a company as a positive force in society. building trust and reputation with target audiences which can attract and retain customers. Depending on issues of current importance or the priorities of organisations, the focus of CSR investment, campaigns and programs varies.
The Task:
Your task is to choose a company which has embraced CSR and critically analyse its activity in this space. To do this, you need to provide a historical overview of the company's CSR investment and programs, including justification as to why they engaged in this activity. Evidence must be used to support this critical review, Following this historical perspective, you must look to the future and provide recommendations as to where you believe this company should direct their CSR-based attention.
Step 1: Choose a company which invests in. and promotes, corporate social responsibility.
Step 2: Provide a brief overview of the company, including its core business offering and target market.
Step 3: Analyse the company's historic involvement in CSR activity, critiquing the reasons for their investment/support of the cause and reviewing any shifts in focus over time. Examine and assess the intended and unintended impacts on diverse stakeholders. Include a timeline of activity.
Step 4: Detail the company's current CSR focus and outline whether this is aligned to their core business values, and compatible with the considerations of their target market. Provide justification and evidence for your reasoning.
Step 5: Based on your critical review of the company's past and current CSR activity, provide complex professional opinions/interpretations applying ethical principles, codes of conduct and values in the form of justified recornrnendations for future investment/prograrns that align with their values and target market ideals.
You are required to present this information in a ten-minute presentation recorded through Panopto. Here is a link to the full instructions on how to record and submit a media assignment video or audio
Your presentation is a synthesis of your critical analysis and review; you arc expected to display effective oral and non-verbal communication skills in delivering the review and recommendations in a meaningful and engaging way.
A minimum of 6 academic references are required.
APA 7th Referencing Guide.