Activity describe the person-centred approach

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Reference no: EM133139784

CHCAGE005 Provide support to people living with dementia

Assessment Task

The aim of assessments is to test your knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to the topics being taught within a given course. This will be done by using an assessment criterion which shows what you need to do to achieve the appropriate level of competency. For the purpose of completing a written assessment, you are required to:

• Complete each question, including any sub-questions;
• Provide in-depth research on the topic, using appropriate primary and secondary sources;
• Respond using a clear structure (e.g. Introduction, points of argument or fact, conclusion), including references to the sources used.

Question 1. Elderly people, including those living with dementia, oftentimes feel less valued by society. Some are even abused and neglected. Which of the following are ways that can help address this?

a. Help them remain independent in their own homes with the use of equipment and/or assistive technology.
b. Promote their independence in performing day-to-day activities and assist whenever necessary.
c. Support them in maintaining their personal identity by letting them do activities they are familiar with and confident in.
d. Correct their wrong beliefs and misconceptions.
e. Confine them in a facility away from society.
f. Develop and help maintain their skills in doing household tasks, so they don't feel helpless and depend too much on others.
g. Help maintain the person's physical and social image through grooming, proper hygiene, and maintaining positive relationships with their loved ones.

Question 2. Update yourself on the different forms of dementia listed below by researching about them online.

a. Alzheimer's Disease
b. Vascular Dementia
c. Lewy Bodies
d. Korsakoff Syndrome
e. Fronto Temporal Lobar Degeneration (FLTD), including Pick's disease
f. Huntington's disease
g. Parkinson's disease
h. Younger onset dementia


For each form of dementia listed above, research at least one (1) of the following:

a. Current prevention or treatment options; OR
b. Information about current research being done; OR
c. Significant findings of current research.

Complete the Research Template below to document the information you find. Further guidance is provided for you within the template.

Activity 1A Objective To provide you with an opportunity to apply person-centred care approaches to all interactions with the person living with dementia.

Activity Describe the person-centred approach including what Brooker's (2007) acronym VIPS stands for.

Activity 1B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to interpret individualised plan and familiarise self with the specific needs and wants of the person living with dementia.

Activity 1. What can you find out from an individualised plan or care plan? (Give examples of the kind of information available).

2. Give some examples of how you could help someone with dementia maintain a good quality of life.

Activity 1C
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify and address person's needs for a stable and familiar environment.

Activity 1. Why is it important to maintain a stable environment for people with dementia?

2. How can you address this in a residential environment?

Activity 1D

Objective To provide you with an opportunity to recognise signs consistent with financial, physical or emotional abuse or neglect of the person and report to an appropriate person.

Activity 1. How would you respond if you witnessed or knew an older person's rights were being violated?

2. Define elderly abuse. How can it be identified? What are your organisation's guidelines for responding to elderly abuse cases?

Activity 2A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to use verbal and non verbal communication strategies to maximise engagement of the person with dementia.

Activity What is active/empathic listening and how can it be used to help care for people with dementia?

Activity 2B

Objective To provide you with an opportunity to gain cooperation and provide reassurance as appropriate by using reality orientation.
Activity Create a plan for reality orientation session. Detail what skills it aims to develop and who needs to be involved, as well as materials required.

Activity 2C
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to use a range of validation strategies to relieve distress and agitation in the person.

Activity Write a role play for validation therapy between a dementia patient and a carer (different to the one outlined in the unit).

Activity 3A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to organise activities which aim to maintain independence, using familiar routines and existing skills.
Activity 1. Create a list of ten suitable activities for someone who has limited mobility, dementia and lives in a residential care home.

2. List at least two activities that can be used to bring back pleasurable memories to a client.

Activity 3B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to ensure the safety and comfort of the person balanced with autonomy and risk taking.
Activity What are some of the common risks associated with dementia patients?

Activity 3C
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to access information about the person's reminiscences and routines with family and carers.
Activity What information can you gather from family carers and significant others to help meet the care needs of dementia patients?

Activity 3D
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to provide support and guidance to family, carers and/or significant others where appropriate.
Activity 1. What kinds of problems can affect carers, family or significant others?

2. How can you help to address these?

Activity 4A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to implement strategies which minimise the impact of behaviours of concern.
Activity 1. What behaviours are of a concern for those with dementia?

2. What situations can be responsible for behaviours of concern?

3. How should you not react to behaviour of concern?

Activity 4B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to contribute to team discussions on support planning and review.
Activity What types of matters might you discuss at a team discussion for someone with dementia? Create a draft agenda for such a meeting.

Activity 4C
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to take action to minimise the likelihood of and reduce the impact of behaviours on the person and others.
Activity Outline five psychosocial strategies and their methodology.

Activity 4D

Objective To provide you with an opportunity to evaluate implemented strategies with support planning team to ensure effectiveness in minimising behaviours.

Activity 1. In an event sample observation, what information should you record?

2. What is the ABC method for analysing behaviour?

Activity 5A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to comply with the organisation's reporting requirements, including reporting observations to supervisor.
Activity What are your organisation's reporting requirements for both written and verbal reports?

Activity 5B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to complete, maintain and store documentation according to organisation policy and protocols.
Activity 1. How can you complete and maintain documentation?

2. How can you make records identifiable?

Activity 6A
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to monitor own stress level in relation to working with people with dementia.

Activity What are the ten signs of stress in caregivers and how can you manage them?

Activity 6B
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to use appropriate self care strategies and seek support if required.
Activity What self-care strategies could you employ to minimise the development of stress and manage any that surfaces?

Knowledge Activity (Q & A)
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge for this unit.

Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one.

All answers will vary depending on the learner and the organisation they work for but the learner should be able to answer each question competently.

1. List all of the different manifestations of dementia.

2. Describe dementia as a progressive neurological condition and the pathological features of amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and the loss of connection between cells and cell death.

3. What are the common indicators and symptoms of dementia?

4. Explain the different behaviours of concern.

5. What kind of impact can the disease have on the patient and their family?

6. What are the principles of person-centred support?

7. What are some activities that enhance a person's self-esteem and help to bring pleasure to a patient's life?

8. Explain the need for and list the different types of verbal and non-verbal communications strategies.

Performance Activity

Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance elements for this unit.

Where applicable, a signed observation by either an approved third party or the assessor will need to be included in these activities as proof of completion.

This activity will enable you to demonstrate the followingperformanceevidence:
» Provided support to 2 different people living with dementia:
o using a person-centred approach to support
o using appropriate communication strategies
o assisting in implementing a range of suitable activities that meet the person's needs

Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.

All activity answers will vary depending on the learner and the organisation they work for but the learner should be able to demonstrate their competency in the unit requirements.

1. Explain in 2 scenarios how will you provide support for TWO different people living with dementia in a residential home setting.

» The learner must implement a person-centred approach to support throughout both sessions with each person.
» The learner needs to use appropriate communication strategies for each patient.As each person is different, a tailored communication approach will be required.
» The learner should also assist the care team in implementing a range of suitable activities for each patient.All activities will meet the person's unique needs.

Attachment:- Provide support to people living with dementia.rar

Reference no: EM133139784

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