Actions of biceps brachii muscle

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM1313191

1) The muscles of the quadriceps femoris group insert on (the)

A) tibial tuberosity. 

B) Femoral condyles. 

C) Anterior inferior iliac spine. 

D) Head of the fibula. 

E) None of the above. 

2)The ________ muscle is the most active muscle of the pectoral girdle

since it can move the scapula in nearly any direction.

A) levator scapulae 

B) trapezius 

C) latissimus dorsi 

D) eltoid 

E) Rhomboid major 

3) Actions of the biceps brachii muscle include

A) supination of the forearm. 

B) Flexion of the shoulder. 

C) Flexion of the elbow. 

D) all of the above. 

E) A and B only. 

4 )Muscles that flex the elbow are innervated by (the)

A) ulnar nerve. 

B) musculocutaneous nerve. 

C) Radial nerve. 

D) Axillary nerve. 

E) Both B and C. 

5 )The primary flexors of the wrist include which of the following muscles?

A) Flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis, and palmaris longus 

B) supinator and brachioradialis 

C) brachialis and palmaris longus 

D) Both A and C 

E) None of the above 

6 )The ________ muscle attaches to the radial tuberosity.

A) biceps brachii 

B) supinator 

C) brachioradialis 

D) anconeus 

E) none of the above 

7.Of the muscles that move the forearm and the hand,

A) All originate on the forearm. 

B) All originate on the humerus. 

C) Some originate on the scapula. 

D) None originates on the forearm. 

E) None of the above apply. 

8 )Triceps brachii is assisted in extension of the elbow by the synergistic muscle

A) brachialis. 

B) Extensor digitorum. 

C) Extensor olecranis. 

D) anconeus. 

E) pronator teres. 

9) The forearm muscles that provide strength and gross control of the hand and fingers are (the)

A) Intrinsic muscles of the hand. 

B) Carpal tunnel muscles of the hand. 

C) Extrinsic muscles of the hand. 

D) Flexors of the hand. 

E) None of the above. 

10) All extensor muscles of the upper limb are innervated by the ________ nerve or a branch of that nerve.

A) axillary 

B) ulnar 

C) median 

D) radial 

E) musculocutaneous


Reference no: EM1313191

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