ACS130 Introduction to Systems Engineering and Software

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM133110853

ACS130 Introduction to Systems Engineering and Software C Programming - The University of Sheffield

Assignment briefing:

This assignment will assess your ability to solve a problem using these C programming elements: repetition (e.g. for.. or while..), selection (if), structures, two dimensional arrays, pointers, I/O and functions. Your task is to write a C program to:

• **Allow the user to input the size of a matrix. The contents of the matrix are read in from a file, which has a list of 100 float numbers (numbers in the file are <100.00). If the matrix is 3x2, then the first 2 numbers in the list form the first row, the second 2 numbers in the list form the second row ...and so on).
• The matrix must have between 1 and 10 columns and between 1 and 10 rows. The matrix size (rows x columns) is determined by the user, and this information is stored in a struct matrix (specified below) in members int nrows and int ncols.
• The contents of the matrix will also be stored in the struct matrix in member
float mValues[10][10].
• Calculate the determinant: Ask the user to choose the row and column to form a 2x2 matrix, which is a subset of the original matrix. The 2x2 matrix contents must be stored in a new struct matrix variable, along with its size. The determinant of this matrix is then calculated. (See sample run of program below).
• Find the inverse of the 2x2 matrix: The inverse matrix contents must be stored in a new struct matrix variable, along with its size. ##
• Loop from ** to ##, but allow the user some way of exiting the loop and stopping the program
The program shall define a structure to hold information about the matrices as follows (only define one structure, but declare 3 structure variables: one for the original matrix, one for the 2x2 sub matrix and one for the inverse):

struct matrix
float mValues[10][10]; // to hold the values in the matrix, up to 10 rows x 10 columns
int nrows; // to hold the number of rows used in mValues
int ncols; // to hold the number of columns used in mValues

Notes (refer to mark scheme for more details):

1. The array that holds the matrix values has maximum size 10x10, which means that the program must be able to work with any array up to that size. For this program, the minimum array size allowed is 1 x 1.

2. A sample .txt file with 100 numbers is available on ACS130 Blackboard. Please note that you will need to test your code thoroughly to cover every possible scenario (eg to get a det=0). I will be using a different test data to test your program.

3. The program must display to the screen the contents of each matrix in the program, after it has been input or created.

4. The program must allow both square and non-square matrices, e.g. 3 x 3 is square, 3 x 4 is not square.

5. You must program defensively. The program must check for out of range values for rows and columns at every possible instance. The program must ask the user to enter again if incorrect. You also need to check if the input file is available. You also need to take into consideration things like: possibility of generating a 2x2 matrix (because the input matrix is smaller, eg, 2x1), having a 1x1 matrix, and finding the inverse when the determinant is 0 or does not exist.

6. You cannot use global variables. You will get 0 for the whole code. #define can be used.

7. You cannot use while(1) loops. You will get 0 for the whole code. You can use a while(OK) loop where OK is a variable that is, for eg, 0 or 1

8. You cannot use break (unless it is part of a switch case).

9. You cannot use goto, continue, jump.

10. The program must include main( ) and the following 4 functions. The function prototypes must be as follows:

void matrixInput(struct matrix *mat, FILE *in); /* to input the size (number of rows and columns) of the matrix, and read in the values from the file (using fscanf) into the 2D array that makes up the matrix */ NOTE, the file opening and checking occurs in main(), eg FILE
*fin; fin=fopen(" xyz.txt",'r'); then use fin in the function call.

void matrixDisplay(struct matrix mat); /* to display the values in the 2D array that makes up the matrix*/

float matrixDeterminant(struct matrix m1, struct matrix *m2, int
*check); /* to find the determinant of m2, where m2 is a 2x2 subset matrix of m1; returns determinant to main. If determinant is not equal to 0, check =1; if determinant=0, check=2, otherwise check is 0 (when size of matrix <2x2). check variable is needed for the inverse. This function does not display either m1 or m2. */

void matrixInverse(struct matrix m2, float determinant, struct matrix
*m3); /* to find the inverse (if possible) of the 2x2 matrix; this function does not display either m2 or m3. */

11. You are free to add extra functions, for example, for out-of-range checks (for rows and columns), or any other defensive programming required, but you must have the 4 functions listed above.

Attachment:- Systems Engineering and Software.rar

Reference no: EM133110853

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ACS130 Introduction to Systems Engineering and Software : ACS130 Introduction to Systems Engineering and Software C Programming Assignment Help and Solution, The University of Sheffield - Assessment Writing Service
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3/24/2022 10:54:08 PM

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