Acquisition of Subsidiary and Consolidation Analysis

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Reference no: EM132377551 , Length: word count:1000

Topic: Acquisition of a Subsidiary and Consolidation Analysis

The practical project involves two parts:

  • Part A is the preparation of a selection of consolidation elimination journals for an economic entity comprising a parent and a subsidiary.
  • Part B is an explanation and discussion of business combination.

Part A -

Sunnybank Ltd acquired all issued share capital of Sunnybank Hills Ltd on I July 2019 for a cash payment of $700,000. The share capital and reserves of Sunnybank Hills Ltd at the date of acquisition were:

Share capital $300,000

Retained earnings $200,000

Revaluation surplus $36,000

All assets of Sunnybank Hills Ltd were fairly valued at the date of acquisition, except for an equipment that had a fair value $20,000 greater than its carrying amount. The cost of the equipment was $75,000 and it had accumulated depreciation of $25,000. At the date of acquisition, it was expected that the equipment had a remaining useful life of eight years. There were no transactions between Sunnybank Ltd and Sunnybank Hills Ltd from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2021.

On 1 January 2022 Sunnybank Hills Ltd sold an item of plant to Sunnybank Ltd for $55,000 when its carrying value in Sunnybank Hills's books was $40,000 (original cost $90,000 and original estimated life of nine years). There were no other transactions between Sunnybank Ltd and Sunnybank Hills Ltd for year ended 30 June 2022.

On 30 June 2024 Sunnybank Ltd sold a property to Sunnybank Hills Ltd for $400,000 when its carrying value, and original cost, in Sunnybank's books was $420,000 and estimated remaining useful life was twenty years. During financial year 2024, Sunnybank Ltd provided management consultation to Sunnybank Hills Ltd and this was the first time that Sunnybank Ltd provided such service to Sunnybank Hills Ltd. At the end of 2024, Sunnybank Hills Ltd paid $5,000 for these services and there is no payable for these services at year end. There were no other transactions between Sunnybank Ltd and Sunnybank Hills Ltd from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2024.

Sunnybank Ltd incurred the following transactions with Sunnybank Hills Ltd for year ended 30 June 2025:

  • Sunnybank Ltd made sales of inventory to Sunnybank Hills Ltd of $200,000, while Sunnybank Hills Ltd sold $250,000 of inventory to Sunnybank Ltd.
  • Closing inventories on 30 June 2025 included the following amounts: Sunnybank Ltd $90,000 (bought from Sunnybank Hills Ltd) and Sunnybank Hills Ltd $150,000 (bought from Sunnybank Ltd). Intragroup sales of inventory policy applied.
  • The opening inventory in Sunnybank Ltd included stock acquired from Sunnybank Hills Ltd, which had originally cost Sunnybank Hills Ltd $140,000. The opening inventory of Sunnybank Hills Ltd included stock acquired from Sunnybank Ltd, which had originally cost Sunnybank Ltd $160,000. Intragroup sales of inventory policy applied.
  • Sunnybank Ltd declared and paid dividend $75,000. Sunnybank Hills Ltd declared and paid dividend $50,000 on 30 June 2025.
  • Sunnybank Hills Ltd has a number of long-term loans, including an interest free five-year loan for $50,000 from Sunnybank Ltd. This interest free five-year loan was effective from 1 July 2024.

You were appointed as a financial accountant at Sunnybank Ltd and requested to prepare the followings:

I. acquisition analysis and adjustment/elimination journal entries for consolidation at acquisition, 1 July 2019;

II. adjustment/elimination journal entries for consolidation as at 30 June 2024, and

III. adjustment/elimination journal entries for consolidation as at 30 June 2025.

After meeting with your supervisor you gathered the following information which you might need to complete your work:

Sunnybank Ltd has the following accounting policies for the economic entity:

  • All property, plant and equipment are depreciated using the straight-line method with no residual value. For part-years, depreciation is to be calculated on the number of months the non-current asset is held in the relevant year.
  • Revaluation adjustments on acquisition are to be made on consolidation only, not in the books of any subsidiary;
  • Intragroup sales of inventory to be at a mark-up of 50% on cost.
  • All calculated amounts are to be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Companies in the group do not show cents in any journals, worksheets, or financial statements.
  • Management team of Sunnybank Ltd believes that goodwill acquired from business combination is impaired by $5,000 in the current financial year (I July 2024 - 30 June 2025). There is no previous impairment of goodwill.
  • The company tax rate is currently 30% and this rate has not changed for a number of years.
  • Journal narrations are required.
  • Number each year consolidation elimination/adjusting journal entries by I, 2, 3, ..., etc;. Where more than one journal entry is needed for an event to be completely accounted for add the letters a,b,c,...cte to them as necessary.

Part B -

The consolidated financial statements for year ending 30 June 2025 for the economic entity have been prepared on the basis of your journals from Part A (III). These statements have been presented to the Board of Directors.

The Board noted that its subsidiary, Sunnybank Hills Ltd, generated a tax loss for tax purposes for financial year ending 2025. Some board members inquire if it is possible to use subsidiary's tax loss to offset parent's taxable income. Is this feasible? What is your solution and recommendation for the Board? (250 words maximum)

You may make reference to relevant paragraphs of Australian Accounting Standards and/or AASB Framework and to other sources of material.

Length: 1000 words maximum (comprising consolidation analysis and journal entries in Part A equivalent to 750 words and a written component of 250 words in Part B) and Harvard Style referencing is expected.

Reference no: EM132377551

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9/27/2019 3:27:03 AM

Length: 1000 words maximum (comprising consolidation analysis and journal entries in Part A equivalent to 750 words and a written component of 250 words in Part B) and Harvard Style referencing is expected. Marking Criteria - Part A(I) - Correct /complete acquisition analysis: correct/complete consolidation journal entries at the date of acquisition - Acquisition analysis is clear and correct and all required journals are correct with none missing or included incorrectly 2 marks. Part A (II) Correct /complete events and consolidation journal entries at 30 June 2024 - Every required event/journal is clear and correct with none missing or included incorrectly 3 marks. Part A (III) Correct /complete events and consolidation journal entries at 30 June 2025 - Every required event journal is clear and correct, with none missing or included incorrectly 8 marks. Part A:work presentation, account names, numbering journal entries and narrations - All events/journals are presented clearly and numbered correctly 2 marks.


9/27/2019 3:26:57 AM

Word-count: 1000. Can i have english Australia writing style for this one also provide the links in the references section of the assignment. Marking Criteria Part B - Define Problem - Clear and insightful problem statement. Includes consideration of all relevant contextual factors in depth 2 marks. Identify strategies and propose solutions - Identifies multiple approaches for solving the problem and proposes alternative solutions that indicate a deep comprehension of the problem. Includes an elegant rationale for the solutions that deeply and thoroughly considers the history of the problem, logic/reasoning, feasibility and impacts 2 marks. Presents with clarity: references and paraphrases correctly and uses clear prose style: sentence structure. grammar and spelling - Writing is clear and error-free and demonstrates superior written communication skills. Excellent in-text citation, paraphrasing and reference list 1 mark.

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