Reference no: EM13954437
Instructions on Assessment:
‘The value of a student's international experience goes beyond purely the acquisition of language - it lies in the ability to see business and personal issues from other than your own cultural perspective' Charles MacLeod, Head of UK Resourcing, Price Waterhouse Coopers 2008
Title: An analysis of the culture of an organisation
Your report will apply ONE theoretical framework used in the study of organizational culture to conduct an analysis of an organization's culture.
The analysis will illustrate the culture by focusing on EITHER
1. An issue (something which the organization has responded to) OR
2. A particular organizational practice (something the organization does) OR
3. An event (some particular incident or series of incidents inside the organization) OR
4. A sub - unit (an organizational department department/division) .
You will be able to choose from ONE of three organizations:
• ArcelorMittal
• Tigerair
Your report will not exceed 3000 words (excluding appendices) and must use the format shown below. The breakdown of marks for each task is shown in brackets:
• A brief background to the organization and its environment.
• An Introduction to the focus of the report (the practice, issue, event or sub-unit) (NOTE: WITHIN THIS SECTION YOU MUST INCLUDE A SENTENCE STATING YOUR FOCUS CLEARLY AND SIMPLY).
• A brief argument which explains/justifies why you have chosen a particular theoretical framework instead of 1 other alternative that you considered but have rejected.
• An explanation of your chosen theoretical framework that you will use to analyse the organization, including its main concepts.
• An analysis of the practice, issue, event or sub-unit which uses the chosen theoretical framework and concepts.
• Conclusions (including recommendations if necessary).
Please see the TLP for this module for suggested reading. Other reading and resources will be suggested by your seminar tutor as you discuss your ideas with them.
For specific and more detailed guidance you will be able to discuss in the first instance with your seminar tutor or any member of the module team.
The word count is to be declared on the front page of your assignment and the assignment cover sheet. The word count does not include:
• Title and Contents page • Reference list • Appendices • Appropriate tables, figures and illustrations • Glossary • Bibliography • Quotes from interviews and focus groups.
Please note, in text citations [e.g. (Smith, 2011)] and direct secondary quotations [e.g. "dib-dab nonsense analysis" (Smith, 2011 p.123)] are INCLUDED in the word count.
If this word count is falsified, students are reminded that under ARNA page 30 Section 3.4 this will be regarded as academic misconduct.
Students are advised that they may be asked to submit an electronic version of their assignment.
Mapping to Programme Goals and Objectives:
This assessment will contribute directly to the following Undergraduate programme goals and objectives
1. Knowledgeable about the theory and practice of international business and management
Students will be able to:
a. Acquire knowledge of functional areas of business and management.
b. Acquire knowledge of specialist areas of business.
c. Apply their knowledge to business and management contexts.
d. Conduct contemporary research into business and management.
2. Skilful in the use of professional and managerial techniques and processes
Students will be able to:
a. Provide evidence of self reflection as a means of informing personal development planning.
b. Demonstrate effective interpersonal communication skills and the ability to work in a team.
c. Demonstrate critical thinking skills .
d. Demonstrate problem solving skills.
3. Aware of ethical issues impacting on business and professional practice
Students will be able to:
a. Identify an ethical dilemma in a business situation
b. Suggest ethical solutions to this dilemma
4. Employable as graduates
Students will be able to:
a. In the context of securing graduate employment demonstrate the skills of self presentation.