Reference no: EM132432528
PPMP20008 - Initiating and Planning Projects - CQ University
Assessment: Project Scenario
Acknowledging First Nations Peoples (and their elders) project
Project Title
Acknowledging First Nations Peoples (and their elders) project by naming/renaming selected CQ University premises (and/or land).
To acknowledge the First Nations Peoples (and their elders) by naming (or re-naming) selected CQU premises (and/or land).
Preferred Project
The School of Engineering and Technology (SET) Indigenisation Committee has requested a project acknowledging local indigenous people by naming/renaming selected CQ University premises (and/or land) comprising the following:
Constructing and erecting signs (signage);
Designing and erecting plaques; and
Organising and staging naming/renaming ceremonies.
The School of Engineering and Technology (SET) Indigenisation Committee has indicated that members of the local Indigenous communities be one of the key stakeholders in this project. The Committee has requested that during the project any contact with these communities be undertaken in a respectful and culturally appropriate manner.
Your Task
The Chair of the CQUniversity SET Indigenisation Committee, Dr Shane Doyle has tasked you to provide the project board with further information regarding the project. The Chair will act as the Project Executive for the project board. You are to develop a tailored project plan that reflects the project described in this document and aligns to PMBoK and Prince2 requirements.
Project Scope and funding
The Chair of the SET Indigenisation Committee will seek internal funding (up to $200k), to complete the entire project. However, this amount of funding is not guaranteed, and cost savings should be identified and implemented wherever possible. Due to time and financial constraints, the Chair has requested that ten different (10) CQUniversity premises be included in the scope of this project.
Attachment:- Initiating and Planning Projects.rar