Reference no: EM132858374 , Length: 2800 words
ACCY903 Theoretical Foundations of Accounting - University of Wollongong
The following list comprises the topics for your research project. Students must choose ONE topic only and advise the subject coordinator in the Tutorial in Week 3 of their choice. Students that do not advise the subject coordinator by Week 3 will be allocated a project. Please note: students are not permitted to change their project topic. Guidance for all topics and questions will be provided throughout the trimester. Students arc also encouraged to seek advice from the subject coordinator, learning development and UOW librarians.
Topic A - Modern Slavery
Access the 2020 Annual Report or CSR/Sustainability report for two (2) companies and analyse and/or compare the disclosures related to modern slavery.
Topic II - COVID-19
Access the 2020 Annual Report of CSR/Sustainability report for two (2) companies and analyse and/or compare the disclosures related to the impact of COVID-I9.
Topic C - Aboriginal/Indigenous Issues
Access the 2020 Annual Report or CSR/Sustainability report for two ( 2 ) companies and analyse and/or compare the disclosures related to Aboriginal/Indigenous issues.
*Topic D- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Access the 2020 Annual Report, CSR/Sustainability report or media releases for two (2) companies and analyse and/or compare how they report against the sustainable development goals for the same period.
Individual guidance on the preparation of the research report and opportunity to workshop your ideas will be provided throughout the session. General guidance will be provided in lectures.
You are required to prepare a written research report. You should include in your research report the following:
- Title page of Report
- Table of Contents (sections of the report)
- Abstract/Synopsis (summary of the whole report)
- Introduction (outline what, how and why) - a clear explanation of the research topic and the objective(s) of the research.
- A background section related to the topic and/or the company. Information may come from a variety of sources including reports, scholarly journal articles, professional magazines, industry or government reports. Students should identify how this information contributes to an understanding of the topic.
- Method (how did you analyse the data)
- Results (findings from the analysis).
- Discussion (your explanation and understanding of the results).
- Conclusion
- Reference List (all materials cited)
- Appendices (if necessary)
The report is to be 12 point font, double-spaced with headings and sub¬headings that are appropriate for a graduate-level research project. All referencing should be consistent with the Harvard referencing system.
Note: Topic D - Sustainable Development goals; You have to choose 2 company