Accurate statement about parents and boomerang children

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Reference no: EM133486086


1. Based on cross-sectional research studies, your grandmother should be better than you in __________ intelligence, while you should be better than your grandmother in __________ intelligence.





2. Which of the following is TRUE about the relationship between semantic memory and aging?

Older adults often take longer to retrieve semantic information, but they usually can retrieve it.

Older adults are usually unable to retrieve semantic information.

Older adults can retrieve semantic information only if it is relevant to their day-to-day lives.

none of the above

3. Which of the following as an accurate statement about parents and boomerang children?

Parents are more sympathetic if their child is unemployed.

Parents' reactions are always negative.

Dual parent households tend to be less welcoming of boomerang children.

all of the above are accurate

4. Alan is 77 years old. All of the following statements are consistent with the typical course of development for his age EXCEPT:

He is at greater risk of cardiovascular disease than his 80 year old sister.

He can still father a child.

He is a member of the young-old age group.

His memory for facts and information remains strong.

5. For men, it is unusual for gender-stereotyped roles to become reversed during retirement and late adulthood.



6. Life expectancy would be increased the MOST for middle aged and older adults if __________ could be eliminated.




cardiovascular disease

7. The most promising drugs for treating the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease are related to the

hormone imbalances that may produce the disease.

vitamin deficiencies in the brain that occur with the disease.

loss of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

stabilizing levels of dopamine in the brain.

8. As discussed in the text, an individual's reaction to visible signs of aging (e.g., wrinkles, hair loss) can depend on all of the following EXCEPT __________.

level of intelligence



how one defines him/herself

9. Based on Schaie's Seattle longitudinal study, an adult in middle age would do most POORLY on which of the following tasks?

solving spatial reasoning problems

completing a crossword puzzle

quickly differentiating between stimuli

remembering a list of words

10. Antioxidants are purported to be important for health and wellness because they

completely stop the production of free radicals in the body.

decrease the production of bad cholesterol in the body.

increase the number of times a cell can divide and replicate.

help minimize cell damage caused by free-radicals.

11. Declines in memory during the late adulthood period are MOST likely due to

the inability to inhibit irrelevant information and thoughts.

changes in the ability to pay attention and employ memory strategies.

the loss of neuronal connections which interfere with the storage of information.

all of the above

12. A man in his mid-fifties is MOST likely to experience

increased strength in his upper arms.

improved detection of high pitched sounds.

joint stiffness and weakness in his back.

declines in short-term memory.

13. Many middle-aged adults report that they perceive many differences in their personality from when they were in their 20s compared to when they are in their 50s.



14. Bob and Bonnie are actively engaged in grandparenting their two grandsons, baby-sitting three times a week, and they hold clear expectations about the ways their grandsons should behave. According to research, their grandparenting style can be BEST described as __________.





15. In middle age, we can expect to experience senescence in all of the following EXCEPT:



short-term memory.

perceptual speed.

16. What can be said about the cause and cure of Alzheimer's disease?

While there is still no known cure, the exact cause is now well established.

Researchers are not sure of the cause and have no cure for the disorder.

Researchers know the exact cause, and physicians can cure it if it is discovered early enough.

Although researchers do not know the cause, physicians can cure the disease with medication.

17. Who of the following would be MOST at-risk for empty nest syndrome?

Beth, who worked part-time while raising her children

Susan, a full-time stay at home mom

Dan, who traveled a lot for work while his children were little

all of the above individuals are at equal risk for developing empty nest syndrome

18. In the "Secret to Successful Aging" TEDx talk by Cathleen Toomey, all of the following countries were identified by an anthropologist's research as "blue zones" EXCEPT __________.





19. The idea that menopause leads to depression and psychological disturbance is

not supported by research.

true for most women.

true for about 50% of women.

true only for women who have given birth.

20. According to Cathleen Toomey, a large scale study of 8,000 older adults conducted by Indiana and Harvard universities identified __________ as important to health and wellness in late adulthood.

volunteering and community involvement

a strong sense of faith

moderate exercise

a well-balanced diet

21. Research on marital satisfaction has traditionally shown a __________ pattern across the adulthood years.


U-shaped curve

linear decline

inverted U-shaped or bell curve

22. Susan's friend tells her that she has a classic Type A personality. If her friend is correct, the results of recentresearch on Type A personality suggest that Susan should __________ to reduce her risk of heart disease.


take medications

learn to effectively manage her anger

work on being more patient

23. Intelligence that represents the accumulation of information, facts, and skills that people have learned through experience is called __________.

crystallized intelligence

verbal intelligence

fluid intelligence

perceptual intelligence

24. Cataracts affect the __________ of the eye, whereas macular degeneration affects the _________.

pupil; retina

retina; pupil

lens; retina

retina; lens

25. Senescence is to secondary aging as __________ is to __________.

cognition; environment

environment; cognition

nurture; nature

nature; nurture

Reference no: EM133486086

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