Reference no: EM133231377
Question 1. Based on your reading of Sections 1.3 A Philosopher in Action: Socrates (pages 19-37), provide an account of the view of philosophy defended by Socrates, and show why Socrates's practice of philosophy led to his condemnation and death. Provide a summary of the philosophical method employed by Socrates, and show how this method is illustrated in the section entitled "The Republic: Is Justice Whatever Benefits the Powerful?" (pages 24-27). In your view, was Socrates's decision to allow himself to be executed an act of courage or cowardice? Discuss in detail and provide reasons to support your view.
Question 2. Based on your reading of Section1.6 Historical Showcase (pages 45 -49), provide a summary of the philosophical positions on the nature of reality defended by the Western philosophical tradition, as exemplified by Thales, Heraclitus, and Parmenides and his disciple Zeno, and the Eastern philosophical tradition as exemplified by the Vedas and the Upanishads. In your view, which of these two traditions provides a more accurate and defensible account of the nature of reality? Discuss in detail and provide reasons to support your view.
Question 3. Based on your reading of Section 2.2What is Human Nature? (pages 58-86), provide a summary of the Rationalist and Judeo-Christian accounts of human nature. Compare and contrast these two accounts. Show how the theories of Charles Darwin, existentialism, and feminism offer challenges to both accounts. In your view, which of these approaches to human nature gains the greatest support from both verifiable evidence and rational analysis? Discuss in detail and provide reasons to support your view.
Question 4. Based on the reading of Section 2.3 The Mind-Body Problem: How Do Your Mind and Body Relate? (pages 86-103), provide a summary of the mind-body problem. Discuss the following proposed approaches to resolve this problem: Dualism, Materialism, Identity Theory, Behaviorism, and Functionalism. In your view, which of these five approaches offers a more informative and productive strategy to resolve the mind-body problem? Discuss in detail and provide reasons to support your view.