Reference no: EM133489583
1. According to antiracist writer Tim Wise in the documentary, The Great White Hoax, Donald Trump did not originate his infamous "Make America Great Again (MAGA)" slogan, but instead appropriated it from a previous U.S. President who also stoked the flames of white racial resentment for his own political gain. The original MAGA President was:
a. George Wallace
b. Ronald Reagan
c. Bill Clinton
d. Woodrow Wilson
2. During Howard Zinn's ("The Question Period in Kalamazoo") presentation in Kalamazoo, Michigan, a member of the audience who was surprised by Zinn's optimism asked, "What gives you hope?" Zinn explained that his hope comes from his study of history, through which he has learned that:
a. Tyrants are often shown the errors of their ways by peoples' movements, and then voluntarily reform.
b. Common folks who struggle for liberty and justice, despite the tremendous adversity they usually face, can sometimes manage to prevail over the forces of tyranny and oppression.
c. Despite their seemingly endless playoff drought, a careful study of NBA history shows that our beloved Sacramento Kings will -- if the season ever resumes -- finally get over the hump this season and make the playoffs!
d. When compared to the 19th century, the 20th century was far less violent and less marred by conflicts along lines of race, class, and gender.
3. According to Glover and Fletcher ("Visualizing a Neo-Rainbow"), their vision for creating progressive social change and achieving racial justice is built on the positive lessons from the historic national campaign/movement led by:
Malcolm X
Cesar Chavez
W.E.B. Du Bois
Rev. Jesse Jackson
4. According to Glover and Fletcher ("Visualizing a Neo-Rainbow"), which of the following IS NOT one of the six key elements of their Neo-Rainbow strategy?
a. to pressure Democrats by strategically supporting more moderate Republican candidates.
b. to develop a core, or political base, among African Americans and Latinos.
c. an inside/outside approach to the Democratic Party
d. to advocate a pro-equality populism that embraces the struggles for racial, gender, and economic justice.
5. Barbara Ransby ("MLK Called for a Radical Revolution") makes an interesting comparison between the Black Lives Matter movement and Dr. King's:
Poor People's Campaign and support for the Memphis sanitation workers
Birmingham campaign for desegregation
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Selma voting rights campaign
6. Based on the analysis of historian Barbara Ransby ("MLK Called for a Radical Revolution"), the ideological perspective that best describes the perspective of the Black Lives Matter movement is __________.
Multicultural Fascism
Rainbow Socialism/Radical Multicultural Democracy
7. According to Not in Our Town: History of a Movement, the NIOT perspective on race relations appears to define the problem of racism as essentially __________.
a. a problem of systemic racism built into our political and economic institutions which result in the "curious formula" Dr. King described.
b. a problem of the past that has, for the most part, been overcome.
c. a problem of the unequal distribution of resources in society.
d. a problem of the heart and personal prejudice, or individual discrimination, often leading to violence and hate crimes.
8. Based on Not In Our Town video clips, the racial ideology that seems to best represent the "Not In Our Town" perspective is:
Rainbow Socialism/Radical Multicultural Democracy
9. According to the new "Poor People's Campaign" launch video, the new Poor People's Campaign, which was launched in 2018 fifty years after Dr. King's original Poor People's Campaign, is led by:
Rev. Jesse Jackson
Sen. Bernie Sanders
Co-Chairs Rep. Ilhan Omar & Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC)
Co-Chairs Bishop William Barber & Rev. Liz Theoharis
10. To finish out the semester on a positive note, during our last class meeting we watched a brief speech from __________, who is the youngest woman ever elected to the U.S. Congress; the most well known member of "The Squad"; and a dynamic young political leader who, in Prof. B's view, is effectively carrying on Dr. King's "Rainbow Socialist" legacy into the 21st century.
Marjorie Taylor Greene
Michelle Alexander
Alexandra Ocasio Cortez (AOC)