According the criteria for the final project

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131086080

Extend Project 1 to use advanced data structures and support sorting on various keys.

The project will be graded according the criteria for the final project - see below.


  1. Required data structure - the data structure specified in Project 1:
    1. Cave - level 0
    2. Party - Level 1
    3. Creature - Level 2
    4. Artifacts - Level 3
    5. Treasures - Level 3
  2. Use the HashMap class to support efficient linking of the classes used in Project 1.
    1. The instances of the hash map class should be local to the readFile method.
    2. These instances may be passed as explicit parameters to other methods used when reading the data file.
    3. The instances should be released (go out of scope, hence available for garbage collection) when the readFile method returns.
  3. Implement comparators to support sorting: 
    • creatures by (added fields) name, age, height, and weight
    • OR creatures by existing fields empathy, fear and carrying capacity
    • treasures by weight and value.
    • The sorting should be within the group - creatures within each party, treasures and artifacts carried by each creature.
  4. Extend the GUI from Project 1 to allow the user to:
    • sort by the comparators defined in part 2.
  5. Again, the GUI elements should be distinct from the other classes in the program.


  1. Java source code files
  2. Data files used to test your program
  3. Configuration files used
  4. a well-written document including the following sections:
    1. Design: including a UML class diagram showing the type of the class relationships
    2. User's Guide: description of how to set up and run your application
    3. Test Plan: sample input andexpectedresults, and including test data and results, with screen snapshots of some of your test cases
    4. (optionally) Comments: design strengths and limitations, and suggestions for future improvement and alternative approaches
    5.  Lessons Learned
    6. Use one of the following formats: MS Word doc, docx, OpenOffice odf, pdf, rtf.

Your project is due by midnight, EST, on the date posted in the class schedule. Your instructor's policy on late projects applies to this project.

Submitted projects that show evidence of plagiarism will be handled in accordance with UMUC Policy 150.25 - Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.


Documentation format and length. The documentation describing and reflecting on your design and approach should be written using Microsoft Word, and should be no more than five pages in length and no less than two pages. The font size should be 12 point. The page margins should be one inch. The paragraphs should be double spaced. All figures, tables, equations, and references should be properly labeled and formatted using APA style.

  • Code format:
    •  header comment block
    •  appropriate comments within the code
    •  appropriate variable and function names
    •  correct indentation

Reference no: EM131086080

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