Accomplishment of organisational tasks

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131467001

Groups and Group dynamics

1) If groups are to create positive synergy in the accomplishment of organisational tasks, what must managers do to overcome disruptive behaviours? 

2) Your product marking group consists of ten people who must work together to find the best ways to market your organisation's products. The group comprises of seven women (aged 52,47,33,28,26,24 and 21) and three males (39,33 and 29). Two of the group members were born and raised in different countries (the 33 yo woman is from Lebanon). The 29 yo man has a vision impairment. What aspects of group membership might have an impact on the likely effectiveness of the group?

3) Julia is managing a completely new group of five people, comprising two women and three men (not including Julia). The group is responsible for developing new and innovative work processes in the organisation to enhance the efficiency of operations. They have a year to introduce a series of key changes. Julia and two of the people in the group are completely new to the organisation but have strong backgrounds in change management, while the other three group members were already in the organisation and its current processes. How is the group likely to develop and what problems might eventuate?

Reference no: EM131467001

Questions Cloud

What is the speed of the normal shock : A cannon fires a shell that causes a projectile to move down the barrel at a velocity of 740 m/s. What is the speed of the normal shock proceeding down.
Identify the resources required to complete the activities : Activities should be prioritised in order of importance, reflect realistic timeframes and identify the resources required to complete the activities.
Discuss the origins of the atlantic african slave trade : History 160A1: Were the native peoples of Spanish America subject to forced labor? Draw on the material in Colonial Latin America.
Find the pressure and density downstream of the shock : A perfect gas flows through a stationary normal shock. The gas velocity decreases from 480 to 160 m/s through the shock.
Accomplishment of organisational tasks : If groups are to create positive synergy in the accomplishment of organisational tasks, what must managers do to overcome disruptive behaviours?
Draw a dependency diagram : Using the given table/relation, do the following: Draw a dependency diagram to show the functional dependencies in the relation
What is the minimum mach number for a gas : Show that the downstream Mach number of a normal shock approaches a minimum value as the upstream Mach number increases toward infinity.
Find the pressure and density : The exhaust gases from a rocket engine have a molar mass of 14. They can be assumed to behave as a perfect gas with a specific heat ratio of 1.25.
Consider in making hiring decision : How would you determine who gets the position? What factors do you need to consider in making your hiring decision?


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