Accomodatefuture demand growth

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133573763

Senco Electronics Case


1. If you were skipGrenoble, which alternative would you would you advice Jim Beierlein to implement? what criteria would you use to arrive at your decision?

2. At what level of demand (in ponds ) per year would these two alternatives be equal(see appendix 3A)?

3. Graphically represent these two alternatives and their tradeoff point (See Appendix 3A)

4. Which Alternative would you recomend be in place to accomodatefuture demand growth? what would be the advantages and disadvantages of producing the component part in china and shipping them to the united states for assembly before sales to customers?

Reference no: EM133573763

Questions Cloud

Advise jack of potential income tax implications : Advise Jack of the potential income tax implications in relation to the $700,000 sale proceeds. Where appropriate, calculations must be made.
Australian Consumer Law : Advise Vanya on his rights and possible remedies under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL), providing the relevant sections of the ACL
How can the government have sound tax system : What are the withholding systems on income tax? How can the government have a sound tax system?
Pros and cons of paying taxes : What taxation is, benefits of taxation to a country, and the pros and cons of paying taxes.
Accomodatefuture demand growth : Which Alternative would you recomend be in place to accomodatefuture demand growth?
What is the implementation framework of strategic sourcing : What is the implementation framework of strategic sourcing?
Develop procedures for emergency extraction : In what ways you can develop procedures for emergency extraction of a protectee from a dangerous location or situation.
Important issue in supply chain success : Why is global transportation such an important issue in supply chain success?
Warehousing and transportation functions : Discuss how these new technologies help improve distribution, warehousing and transportation functions learned in this unit


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