Access the healthy people in action section

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131781395

Access the Healthy People in Action section of the Healthy People 2020 website:

Healthy People in Action( Article )

Select State Plans from the drop-down menu of the "Healthy People in Action" tab above the main page content.

Pick a state (or territory) which has not already been selected by a classmate, and access that state's 2020 Healthy People Plans.

Select and summarize one area in the plan you selected that pertains to allied health care delivery in that state (for example, medical sonography, respiratory therapy, radiography, speech pathology, etc.).

For the area you picked, what do you think the state plan does well? What could it do better, and how so?

Reference no: EM131781395

Questions Cloud

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Access the healthy people in action section : Pick a state (or territory) which has not already been selected by a classmate, and access that state's 2020 Healthy People Plans.
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