Access control models

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13159820

Compare and contrast access control models. Select an access control model that best prevents unauthorized access for each of the five scenarios given below. Which types of logical access controls should be used in each scenario? Justify your recommendations. Access Control Models Mandatory access controls Discretionary access controls Role-based access controls Rule-based access controls Content-dependent access controls Nondiscretionary access controls Scenarios Shovels and Shingles is a small construction company consisting of 12 computers that have Internet access. Top Ads is a small advertising company consisting of 12 computers that have Internet access. All employees communicate using smartphones. NetSecIT is a multinational information technology (IT) services company consisting of 120,000 computers that have Internet access and 45,000 servers. All employees communicate using smartphones and e-mail. Many employees work from home and travel extensively. Backordered Parts is a defense contractor that builds communications parts for the military. All employees communicate using smartphones and e-mail. Confidential Services Inc. is a military support branch consisting of 14,000,000 computers with Internet access and 250,000 servers. All employees must have security clearances, and they communicate mainly using smartphones and e-mail.

Reference no: EM13159820

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