Access affordable daycare in the community

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133587010


One family-level problem that is affected by the lack of community resources. For example, a single parent cannot access affordable daycare in the community because the closest subsidized daycare in the county is located 25 miles away in the opposite direction from work requiring the parent to leave the child unsupervised while they work or choose not to work. The problem (or diagnosis) might be written as, "Presence of a family stress point - lack of accessible, affordable childcare." One family-level problem based on the family assessment and that you and the parents/guardians together identified that would benefit from strengthening or changing. For example, a grandparent who lives in the home, has chronic cancer pain, and is in palliative care. The grandparent has been prescribed fentanyl patches and has been discarding used patches in the family garbage can. You and the family decide that this is a safety issue. The problem (or diagnosis) might be stated as "Presence of a health threat - potential for accidental opioid overdose."

Reference no: EM133587010

Questions Cloud

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