Reference no: EM133129709
ACC500 Business Decision Making - Polytechnic Institute Australia
Using AccountingPod & Xero
Why do we have this assignment?
The objective of this assignment is to develop your digital software skill, which is considered as one of the top skills to impress employers. 1 Specifically, you will be asked to gain familiarity with, and experience in the use of, a cloud-based accounting information system platform (Xero) and a connected education technology platform, AccountingPod. The learning material is aligned to your curriculum.
The assignment is in two parts, Practice and Assessment case studies hosted by AccountingPod partnering with Xero. The AccountingPod platform will guide you through the process of completing this assignment.
The course questions and tasks that you need to complete are through AccountingPod. You will work through the modules and tasks in AccountingPod, and complete work in Xero as directed by the course. There is no need to export any data - AccountingPod will automatically read and mark your work from Xero.
Your practical work (as directed by the AccountingPod course material) will be completed in Xero (Student educational trial access), which is a live premium version of Xero accounting software. You'll be able to complete your work in both AccountingPod and Xero anytime, anywhere, from any device.
Section two: Xero Practice Set - Xero#
Is the AccountingPod - Xero Practice Set assessable?
No, the Practice Set is not assessable BUT you will need to complete it to access the Assessment Set. You will learn the basic skills required for your assessable work.
When can I access the AccountingPod Xero Practice set?
The AccountingPod Xero Practice case set may be accessed per the schedule in the attached Welcome flyer provided. The Xero Practice Set has a close date so that final feedback may be received before the assessable case study is due.
Where do I get Business Detail to fill-in to complete my practice set?
AccountingPod has provided all this information including Business address etc. Therefore, you should use this information to complete the practice set.
How does the ‘Give me feedback' button in a Xero#0 technical module work?
Your feedback has been set to once per task [one time ony]. Read the task on AccountingPod and complete the task on Xero. You may then click on ‘Give me feedback', which then changes to ‘Feedback was requested'. Between a few seconds and a minute later, this button changes to ‘View feedback'. This tells you immediately whether your work is correct, or where mistakes have been made [in red]. If you have made any mistakes, you should attempt to correct them before proceeding to the next task. If you do nothing on Xero for these technical task, you will not receive any feedback.
Here is an example of a task feedback summary showing the students mistake in red: [the Tax Number wasn't entered]
Your work on Xero will be re-checked against the correct solution when you submit the whole module. You can then go back and recheck your feedback grid on each task. It is designed to update when submitting. You will have two opportunities to submit the marked modules.
Section three: Assessable Case Study
Is the AccountingPod - Xero Assessable Case Study assessable?
Yes - marks are shown on the AccountingPod platform.
When can I access the assessable Case Study?
The Assessable Case Study will become visible on your AccountingPod student access per the schedule provided and after you have completed the Practice Set modules.
Within the assessable case study, each module will unlock after the preceding module is completed. At the end of each module you will have two opportunities to submit your work for marking. The module / course is then closed.
Can I get help when I'm working on my Case Study? What if I have a technical problem?
To get in touch with AccountingPod about a suspected technical issue in the Case Study, click on the green ‘Leave us a message' button on the bottom right hand side of your screen and complete all the required details. You may also direct queries to your tutor for this assignment. Agents will not provide answers to accounting questions. We aim to respond within 1 business day.
When is my work marked? Can I still change it after I've clicked ‘I'm done' on a task, if I realise later that I made a mistake?
You may still edit your work from earlier tasks while you are working within a module and within the Xero access periods. At the end of each module you will have two opportunities to submit your work for marking. The module is then closed. The next module will unlock.
Can I work through the Assessment set with a friend?
No! This is an individual assessment item, which assesses YOUR learning. Working with another student is collusion and a failure to meet the standards of academic integrity, which has serious consequences. You should only discuss the non-assessable Xero Practice Set tasks with others.
What if I need an extension or a late submission?
Please refer to the [your Institution course] information on due dates, extensions, late penalties and late submissions. Hint: Work on and complete your assignment before the due date, do not wait for the due date. Therefore, you should avoid an extension or a late submission situation.
Section four: General Advice on using AccountingPod and Xero
How accurately do I need to enter information in Xero?
Very! Make sure to be very precise with spelling and data entry in general into Xero, right down to capitalisation and punctuation, otherwise it may be marked as incorrect.
If a field isn't mentioned in the instructions, leave it on the default setting/blank as appropriate. If a field says N/A or not applicable, then leave it blank in Xero. If Xero prefills data, check your prefilled data to make sure it aligns with what you want - it may not always be correct. Finally, make sure to always click ‘Save' on whatever screen you're working on in Xero before marking it as ‘Done' in AccountingPod.
Do I need two screens to work with AccountingPod and Xero?
To work efficiently it is recommended that you open AccountingPod in one screen and Xero in another. It will save your time toggling in one screen.
Alternatively, you may find it easier to split your screen - open a new window.
Do I access external sites or data as part of using AccountingPod?
Some material in AccountingPod may link to external sites (usually to help information in Xero). Be safe online and do not give out any personal information on external sites.
At various points you will be prompted by AccountingPod to download files for importing into Xero. The links to these files are all directly within AccountingPod. Ensure these are kept in their original format (e.g. csv).
Attachment:- Business Decision Making.rar