Reference no: EM132812999
ACC 2278 Computerized Accounting for Management - Lethbridge College
Case - Security Guards Inc
Download the "TM-1 Security" folder from the Case #2
The TM-1 Securityfolder contains a complete Sage 50 company file for Security Guards Inc.
• Be sure to include your name in the company name when you first open the file
• Change the name of Your Name Software include your name
• If you encounter new suppliers or new customers not in the database, make sure you add them. Do NOT use the one-time customer option.
• When you are done, create a backup.
Using the company file provided, complete the set up of the company files and enter the transactions provided in the Case #2 document.
Create the following PDFreports:
a) trial balance, January 31
b) all journal entries,no corrections, January 1-31, sorted by date
c) income statement for January
d) employee summary for all employees at January 31 (make Jim Collins active first)
e) cheque log at January 31
Submit the following electronically to the Canvas drop box:
- your company file, zipped, with all transactions recorded.Name the zipped folder as "Your Name Case 2".
- a backup of the completed file.
- all of the required PDF reports (5)
Due: February 26, 2021 @ 11:59 p.m.
Files submitted in incorrect format will not be graded. Files that do not include your name in the company name will not be graded. Do NOT put your PDF files in a zipped folder. Submit each one individually. This means you will have seven (7) submissions:
• one (1) zipped company file
• one (1) backup
• five (5) PDF reports
Attachment:- Case Security.rar