Academic standards of scholarship

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133101964

Students will select a smart and sustainable project from Estevez et al. (2016, Appendix C.3. starting on p. 223) as a case study for critical evaluation and write a 1,400-word (+/- 50 words, excluding references) analytical paper. There are 21 projects in total, so students will each choose a different one. Students must post their project selection within the Wiki provided. Students will provide a brief summary, describing the smart and sustainable initiative proposed in the project and the technology used. Students should then carry out further research on the project in order to assess how it functions and to evaluate its promises and pitfalls. What is the smart city project intended/designed to do? If the project (or stages of it) has been completed did it live up to expectations? Why or why not? If the project has not yet been completed, what is holding it back? Do you think it will succeed? What are two or three policy/technical/execution/etc. changes that could be made to improve the case? Please note that the URLs provided each project might be outdated so you may have to do some exploratory internet research to find the relevant information. Wikipedia, for example, has a summary of most of the projects, with links to other relevant websites, including proponent websites, news stories, videos, etc.

Case study analyses must be sufficiently comprehensive and detailed.

Projects must be analyzed using academic concepts, theories, and research, and assessments must be evidence-based and objective. In other words, it is not enough to provide an opinion on the smart city example. Analyses must be based on facts, evidence-based research, and critical examination.

Analyses must be written according to academic standards of scholarship and referencing using APA.

Reference no: EM133101964

Questions Cloud

The war that never ends : The debates about the role of think tanks like the Project for a New American Century and individuals like William Kristol, Richard Perle, and Paul Wolfowitz
What value should be used for the building : The building was just appraised at $1.25 million. What value should be used for the building in Jason's accounting records? Please support your answer
What percentage of students in pa receive : The percentage of students receiving special education under the learning disabilities category has almost doubled (from 23.8% to 42.3%)
What motivates you as an employee is it money : What motivates you as an employee is it money, recognition, time off?
Academic standards of scholarship : Analyses must be written according to academic standards of scholarship and referencing using APA.
Requires analysis and thinking : A good question focuses on only one issue and doesn't try to cover too much. It requires analysis and thinking and doesn't have an obvious yes or no answer.
What amount would have been reported for cost of goods sold : What amount would have been reported for cost of goods sold on Dunder's consolidated income statement at December 31, 2021
Analyze defenses within today criminal law system : Analyze the defenses within today's criminal law system. Evaluate the fairness of the common law defense of necessity when citizens use deadly force.
Evolution of political and legal systems : Research the evolution of political and legal systems in a country that you are familiar with (not the U.S.) by using


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