Abstract - a coinductive calculus of binary trees

Assignment Help Theory of Computation
Reference no: EM131269683

Write an extended abstract of the article - A coinductive calculus of binary trees.

The assignment consists of writing an extended abstract of the article

Article - A coinductive calculus of binary trees by Alexandra Silva, and Jan Ruttena

Abstract - We study the set TA of infinite binary trees with nodes labelled in a semiring A from a coalgebraic perspective. We present coinductive definition and proof principles based on the fact that TA carries a final coalgebra structure. By viewing trees as formal power series, we develop a calculus where definitions are presented as behavioural differential equations. We present a general format for these equations that guarantees the existence and uniqueness of solutions.

Although technically not very difficult, the resulting framework has surprisingly nice applications, which is illustrated by various concrete examples.

Five pages

Reference no: EM131269683

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Abstract - a coinductive calculus of binary trees : We study the set TA of infinite binary trees with nodes labelled in a semiring A from a coalgebraic perspective. We present coinductive definition and proof principles based on the fact that TA carries a final coalgebra structure.
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11/8/2016 1:01:39 AM

The assignment consists of writing an extended abstract of the attached article - Infinite data structures are often used to model problems and computing solutions for them. Therefore, reasoning tools for such structures have become more and more relevant. Coalgebraic techniques turned out to be suited for proving and deriving properties of infinite systems.

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